Monday, September 30, 2019

Challenges Faced by First Year University Students

University life can be a great experience. It can be fun and educational and, on the other hand, full of hardships. First-year students at university face a lot of challenges. These challenges can be divided into groups of which three are making adjustments, security and being lost. First-year students have to make a lot of adjustments. Students face difficulty in adjusting to a completely new lifestyle. University life is totally different from living at home and going to high school. For example, many students are living alone and adjusting to being alone is difficult. Furthermore, students get a lot of freedom since they are renting or living alone. They have to adjust otherwise they will find themselves moving adrift from their studies. Too much freedom also leads to getting involved with wrong crowds. Thus, the new way of life is difficult to adjust to. The learning methods used at university is different from what it used to be at high school. Students find it difficult to fit in to this learning environment. At university, students have to attend lectures whereby a lecturer comes and discusses everything from the front. Students also have to do a lot by themselves, which they find difficult since they are used to the spoon feeding which they received at high school. Study workload is also immense therefore students have to stick to a strict timetable. Therefore, learning methods are difficult to adapt to for first-year students. Furthermore, adapting to the immense workload and influence from outside university is also difficult. Students have to study for longer hours to keep up and for their progress, and at the same time do household choirs, which is even more when the students are living away from their parents. Other external influences such as peer pressure, partying with friends and socializing also affects a first-year student’s life and studies. Thus, first-year students find it challenging to cope up with the workload. Security is one of the major needs of all individuals and even more so for a student. Parental support and guidance is one major need for all first-year students. Many students live away from their homes and parents and therefore, lack social security. Many students are renting with other students and since they are first-year students, they find it hard since hey are not used to this form of lifestyle. Moreover, without any parent or any other r elder to guide them, first-years drift away from their path into doing wrong things. Other students who live in hostels have some level of control instilled by the hostel but it is not equal to the guidance which a parent could provide. Thus, living away from parents is a major hindrance and challenge for first-year students. Financial security is another challenge for first-year students. Money is most vital when pursuing higher education and lack of it can cause the collapse of one’s future. Money is needed to buy textbooks and pay fees, which is very costly. First-year students at university tend to spend a lot of money when they first come to university since they do not understand the importance of money and they are not able to control their expenditure. Situations are improved when the student has been awarded a scholarship, since they might not have any source of income. Therefore, finance is another problem faced by first-year students. Being in a new environment, first-year students find themselves lost for a couple of days. Students face difficulty in finding their required rooms. Universities have a lot of lecture theatres and rooms in different buildings under different faculties. First-year students are unable to find their lecture rooms and are at times late for their lectures during the first few days. Tutorials and lab exercises also occur at different places and finding them using the room codes is very challenging for new students. Moreover, many new students do not know where to go for help or advice. Being new, students do not know whom to turn to for help. First-years find difficulty in signing up for labs and tutorials and have problems deciding on which session to select. Due to this, they end up missing classes due to clashes. This causes a drawback to their studies. As a conclusion, first-year students do face a lot of challenges at university regarding security, adjusting and being lost. These challenges are, and will be faced by first-year students since they are being introduced into a new system. Students must not be disheartened or give up on anything since life will become normal when they get used to the system. There is always a first time and no student will remain new for long, which also goes for the associated problems.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Describe the developments in surgery in the 1800s Essay

Briefly describe what problems surgeons faced in the early 19th century? Pain was one of the main problems that faced surgeons in the nineteenth century, because patients were in agony during surgery therefore it was hard for surgeons to operate. Another problem was infection. After operations open wounds were infected as there were no antiseptic to kill or prevent germs, as a result many patients often died of infection. As well as pain and infection, bleeding was a problem for many surgeons. Operations were quick and often resulted in lots of blood being lost due to loss of blood at high quantities many patients died. 1. Explain why Lister’s work was important in the development of surgery Lister was important in the development of surgery during the 1800s because he began to use carbolic acid as a way of curing infection from patients. Often operations left patients with open wounds that attracted germs and caused infection. It was Lister’s discovery of carbolic acid that prevented many deaths, making him an important figure in the development of surgery. Lister was also important because of his use of carbolic spray, so before operations the room and environment were freed of germs and surgeons also washed their hands with carbolic – this began aseptic surgery meaning people were not going to get an infection from the operations as the operating theatre was clear of germs. Lister’s keen interest in medicine allowed him to understand and know about Pasteur’s germ theory and therefore he could develop his own ideas. After anaesthetics and before antiseptics the black period of surgery came as surgeons performed more intense and in depth surgery; however, they were unaware of how to disinfect or stop infections form emerging. More people died of during the black period of surgery; therefore, Lister’s discoveries of antiseptics prevented infections so it was no longer a problem. Complex surgery could be carried out without the risk of infections therefore surgery developed and there was a lower death rate. 1. ‘After the work of Simpson and Lister there was little left to do in the development of surgery. ’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. Lister and Simpson made many discoveries that helped surgery, after anaesthetics and antiseptics there was little left to do to help surgery. The three main problems were pain, infection and bleeding, with only bleeding remaining a problem after Simpson and Lister. Anaesthetics such as chloroform (discovered by Simpson) helped to prevent pain within patients therefore more complex operations occurred, also Lister discovered carbolic acid and spray so more complex surgery could be carried out without a risk of infection. Although Simpson’s discovery helped surgery improve, it was Lister’s carbolic acid and spray that reduced death rates. However, together anaesthetics and aseptic improved surgery massively. But bleeding was still a big remaining problem and many patients died of blood loss at high quantities. Neither Simpson nor Lister helped with the progression of blood transfusions or storing blood for future use – it was scientists other than Lister and Simpson that discovered ways to store blood and make blood transfusion possible. After the nineteenth century there was still developments in surgery being made as plastic surgery and radio therapy further enhanced the effects of surgery and made improvements even after pain, infection and bleeding were no longer the main problems. Although Simpson and Lister made major improvements in the development of surgery, there was still other major problems that were unsolved after Simpson and Lister, therefore the statement above is not completely true as developments were made and are still being made to make surgery more efficient and effective. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE History Projects section.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Is management accounting in the public sector different to mangement Essay

Is management accounting in the public sector different to mangement accounting for the private sector - Essay Example â€Å"In the last few years the question has arisen as to how far the business-oriented concepts of management accounting and control could be employed for non-profit organisations (especially in the field of public management). In the public sector, sparse or deficit budgets and pressing demands for effective, efficient and transparent means of achieving results provide the background for the discussion. However, due to the special characteristics of non-profit organisations, it is clear that the concepts used in private business need some modifications†. (Meyer, 2003) However, when it comes to management accounting in public sector as well as private sector, there seems to be a marked difference between the two approaches. Managerial accounting within private sector may be driven by objectives which may not be similar to the objectives which management of public sector organization may be pursuing. Thus it is possible that the management accounting in public sector may be different from the management accounting in private sector organizations. There can be different reasons for that as both the kind of organizational structures tend to have basic differences in their overall purposes. A private organization may be more interested in generating value for its shareholders thus effectively remain profit oriented with major aim of earning profit whereas public organizations may have different purposes and aims therefore the managerial accounting processes adopted in both the organizational styles and structures. This essay will discuss whether the management accounting practices in public sector organizations is different from the management accounting practices being adopted by the private sector organization. Before discussing the role of management accounting in private as well as public sector, it is very important that we must attempt to define what management accounting is. Management accounting has been defined as follows: â€Å"The

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Origins of Islamic Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The Origins of Islamic Culture - Essay Example The current study revolves around one of the groups of people who pose their specific significance with respect to their religious affiliation. The human perceptions, understandings and acts are affected greatly by religious influence in great amounts. This eventually affects every level of the human being’s lives whether they may personal, financial or corporate in nature. Thus organizational decision making and the performance of individuals all come under the influence of the religion to which they belong. Islam is one of the most widely followed religions in the history of mankind. Being the second largest religion of the human society it has millions of followers. Thus the Islamic culture is quite prevalent in the world. Islam is the religion that believes upon the sovereignty of one God. The name that God is termed with in the religion Islam is Allah. The belief that the religion establishes is that Islam is the religion of Allah for the Entire Humanity. It is the religi on that preaches kindness and equality with mercy and tolerance. Evidence to this is the following teachings of Islam that are quoted in the Holy Book of Allah i.e. the Holy Quran as follows: â€Å"Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned† . The religion preaches utmost simplicity and piety. It does not want any individual to bear any load that he may not think of himself to be capable of. Allah- The Lord, with respect to the teaching of Islam, has spared His followers of any hardships or difficulties. At another place the Almighty Lord says (interpretation of the meaning) : â€Å"He has chosen you (to convey His Message of Islamic Monotheism to mankind by inviting them to His religion of Islam), and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship†Ã‚   [al-Hajj 22:78 - Quran]   The above lines are directly addressed to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) and then via him to the rest of the mankind. The Quran, the boom of Allah that contains all the codes of conduct and commandments is the final word for Mankind from the Almighty Lord. The Divine books that precede this last and final word are the Psalms, the Bible, and the Testament. THE HISTORY OF ISLAM Islam is a global religion. The birth of the foremost and final Prophet of Islam Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) in the year 570 A.D led to the beginning of an Era that was eventually to lead to the formal birth of the religion of Islam. He was born to an Arabian family named the family of â€Å"Quraishâ⠂¬  which was the then ruling tribe of the Holy city of Mecca. Mecca was the center of trade of the entire Arab and was later trademarked as the Holy Mecca that housed the house of the Lord, Allah swt. After the era of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) Islam spread out from Arab into various other regions. Fellows from the most trusted companions of the Prophet were appointed as caliphs. The kingdom of Islam was henceforth termed as Caliphate that revolved around nothing but the religion itself. Caliphs were the rulers of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reasoning for Bible Allusions in the Bear Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reasoning for Bible Allusions in the Bear - Essay Example Also Sam Fathers painted Isaac's face with the deer of the blood after his first kill of a deer, a ritual that symbolizes sacrifices. The bear Old Ben, conversely, is a complex object of symbolism. Many scholars interpreted Old Ben as a symbol of strength and willingness of human nature. Some sees him as a symbol of freedom in wilderness. However, in Biblical allusion, Old Ben was compared to the Tree of Knowledge. Hunters are hunting down devotedly the old bear. Not because it was a threat to the nearby civilization, but because of the hunters' pride in the achievement of the wild bear's declination. The curiosity is intriguing and enticing to accomplish. The same goes with the Tree of Knowledge. The fruit of the three was forbidden to eat. Thus it became a center of curiosity for the first man and woman habituated the garden, its taste, its effect after eating it. The majestic figure of the bear fascinated the minds of the Southern Hunters. The rewarding hunters' pride to take down Old Ben was like a devil that tempted Eve to defy and eat the forbidden fruit. It is then tempting the mind towards viciousness of the southern people to go after the cruel reward awaiting. Canaan is obviously referring to the So... It was also directly describing the South where Faulkner himself explored with his early years as well as Isaac's during his early years, as Hebrew Bible illustrated Land of Canaan as extension southward from Gaza to the Brook of Egypt. The civilization in the second part of the story that Isaac gone to had came from the concept of Canaan. Faulkner used both Biblical places to emphasize the contrast between the wilderness and the civilization. From the Garden of Eden, Isaac fled to Canaan, and eventually learned that people in the civilization can be more uncivilized as creatures in the wilderness were, if not being paralleled. This in regards to the lifestyle he witnessed during in his relatives in the South, like McCaslin Edmonds, and Uncles Buddy and Buck. The practice of incest, the deception in the Buck and Buddy's old ledger of ownership, Cass' prejudices, all of these made Isaac to see that Old Ben is a symbol of untamed human willingness and at a same time of great independence of human spirit. The fascination to kill Old Ben was the curse that brought in people's lives towards their greed and viciousness. Now, in the last part of the story, Boon's madness could be the result of the curse in discovering the curiosity of killing Old Ben. The same goes when Adam and Eve have eaten the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, a curse bestowed to them along with the knowledge they suddenly acquired upon eating the fruit. Boon suddenly thinks he owns everything in the wilderness as he defeated the most regarded powerful creature in it. He acquired a thinking of replacing Old Ben's mightiness. Thus the impossible possession he had will make him madder eventually. A repeat to the excerpt of Faulkner's description "Arcadian Biblical vision of a world which

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Instructional Guide Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Instructional Guide - Assignment Example From this study it is clear that the primary target audience for these instructions are the fresh college students who have little knowledge and experience of what it takes to register for college classes. However, college students at advanced levels of study at the college that are not conversant with the registration procedure can rely on the instructions. The high probability based on previous evidence that many fresh students do not register for college classes in time with others not registering at all makes them a special interest group. The instructions were organized in a bullet list to make them user-friendly and easy to read. The cautions that are included in the instructions are that one cannot register for classes if they are not properly enrolled, they must have an active student account. An important caution is that one must ensure that they have gone through the registration checklist to ensure that they have duly accomplished all registration requirements. Finally, re gistration is completed online through the student portal.This essay stresses that a  successful search shall make a display on the computer screen the available classes for the selected course. Classes shall be identified by the days and time, the meeting dates, the room and the instructor. To add a class to your list, you shall click on the option of Select Class.  The search shall make a display of the class details including the other components that need to be taken with the class or the number of seats yet available.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Balanced scorecard evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Balanced scorecard evaluation - Essay Example It should be able to in a good position to predict the future performance of the organization, and/or control and manage the organization’s strategic plan. A balanced scorecard is one of best management styles that capture this information in details. This paper gives an analysis of the purposes for non-financial performance measures. It also analyses the current performance measure adopted in Atlantic Tele-Network, Inc (ATN), the extend to which their performance measure captures the Kaplan and Norton’s balanced scorecard and its present strength and weaknesses. Purposes for non-financial performance measure Kaplan and Norton (1996) state that by analyzing the non-financial perspectives of an organization, managers are in a position to translate the strategy of an organization into actionable objectives. It also enables them to get an insight of how the strategic plan of the organization is being executed. According to Kaplan and Norton (1992), a balanced scorecard (BS C) maps the strategic objectives of an organization into performance metrics. This is done in four perspectives namely learning and growth, customers, financial and internal processes. The four perspectives of a balanced scorecard provide important feedback that explains how well the company’s strategic plan is being executed. From this feedback, managers are able to identify necessary adjustments that can be made to ensure that the company achieves its outlined goals and objectives. BSC is a financial and non-financial performance measurement tool. This means that apart from measuring the current performance of a company in terms of finances, a BSC as evaluates the efforts of a firm to make future improvements using customer, process and learning and growth metrics (Niven 2006). As noted in the above discussion, the three major perspectives that make up the non-financial performance measures/BSC of a company are learning and growth, customers and internal processes. Accordin g to Kaplan and Norton (2004), an analysis of the objectives of an organization’s internal processes helps the management of an organization to understand and choose type of process that are very important for satisfying its shareholders and most importantly, its customers. Basically, this performance measure outlines the main processes which an organization must focus its efforts for it to excel. An analysis of the learning and growth perspective of a BSC enables an organization to understand how it must learn, improve and innovate for it to achieve its objectives. A significant portion of this perspective is employee-centered. Some of the learning and growth measures will include manufacturing learning, time to market and product focus Douglas (2007). The customer perspective of a BSC enables an organization to understand how it is being viewed by its customers. It also enables it to know how well it is doing in terms of serving its target customers in an effort to meet its financial objectives. The main objectives here will be those that focus on new products, how to become a preferred supplier, becoming a responsive supplier and customer partnerships. Generally, a BSC enables a company to translate its vision into practical goals and adjust its strategy accordingly to the feedback and the learning received. The

Monday, September 23, 2019

Dracula define monstrostiy within the context, who is the real monster Essay

Dracula define monstrostiy within the context, who is the real monster - Essay Example Although the vampires threatened Harker, Dracula identified him as his victim. This made it evident that the Count was capable of more harm than the vampires. The fact that he had the command that allowed him to maintain Harker for himself translates to the fact that he was more powerful than the three sexually –oriented vampires who threatened him. The Dracula definitely ordered for the confinement of Harker, causing him surging fear. The victim identified the fact that Count Dracula had supernatural powers and ambitions that appeared fiendish (Conner, Espinosa, and Stoker 56). With such devilish ambitions and goals, it was evident that he was a leading monster who took his time to plot out his future missions in the evil realm. It appeared that he controlled other vampires that resided in his proximity. After the death of Lucy, who succumbed to attacks by vampires, all characters sought to conduct a vampire slaying ritual for both Lucy and progress to Count Dracula, who had remained a vampire for a long period. The power commanded by the count became evident from the diary entries made by Seward and Harker (Conner, Espinosa, and Stoker 60). ... The fact that they wanted to terminate the vampire problem, and only were after the Count Dracula, ascertains that he was the greatest threat. From the family history that the count Dracula produces, it is evident that he originated from a family of lords, explaining why he was nostalgic of the days when his family members were renowned rulers of the part of the benefits of growing up in such a family, he still managed the title of lord in Transylvania (Conner, Espinosa, and Stoker 78). The fact that he had such powers is a reason for him to abuse his supernatural powers in the destruction and tormenting of others. Moreover, the pride of his family that he was trying to uphold was the capacity to exercise control over others. This ascertains that although other monstrous characters are depicted in the story, his social standing coupled with the devilish accomplishments make him a real monster. In addition, it is evident from the sediments expressed by the count Dracula that he longed for the possession of immense power that would enable him to have all the humans under his subjection. This longing also serves to explain his increased desire to carry out devilish missions with his supernatural powers reveals that he had intentions of harming people in all senses. Moreover, his expression of the interest in carrying out a revenge mission also indicates that he had the potential and the intention of carrying out monstrous missions. Although the entire group struggles to track down the Count Dracula and perform the rituals that would send him powerless. He has the powers to connect with his victims especially Mina,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Apply Dsm-Iv to William Styron Essay Example for Free

Apply Dsm-Iv to William Styron Essay He chronicles â€Å"the leaden and poisonous mood† (Styron, 1990) that occupies most of his days. He reflects his diminished interest and pleasure towards â€Å"exceptionally island’s pleasure†, his â€Å"beloved home†, writing and other activities that he used to enjoy. He wonders how his friendly place seemed so hostile and forbidding. As a writer it felt helpless and painful to him when he found out â€Å"the writing becomes more difficult and exhausting, finally ceased† because depression has made him unable to concentrate. Styron’s statement of â€Å"two or three hours of sleep I was able to get at night† indicated that he suffered from insomnia and the everyday sleepless was â€Å"a rare torture† to him. It was clear that his insomnia evolved from middle insomnia to severe insomnia just right before his hospitalization (Andreasen Black, 2011). Styron also stated his slowed psychomotor functions that manifested in â€Å"slowed-down responses, near paralysis, psychic energy throttled back close to zero†. Styron further describes his mental illness severity as â€Å"reached the phase of the disorder where all sense of hope had vanished, along with the idea of a futurity†. While these particular descriptions depict Styron’s hopelessness and despair, he also proposed a question â€Å"Why wasn’t I in a hospital† which implies his later voluntary hospitalization and improvement in his illness. In addition, Styron constantly thinks about death and suicide evidenced by â€Å"Death, was now a daily presence†. His house has also become a place that was filled with possibilities of committing suicide. These core symptoms in Styron’s case defined major depression and has presented for more than two weeks (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Styron stated by himself that there was no manic episode occurs. And there were no evidence for a Mixed Episode. Although it was clear that client’s alcohol abuse history and his overuse of sleep medication play roles in his depression client’s depression are not due to the direct physiological effects of the substances or any general medical condition (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). It is interesting to address that client’s symptoms are not better accounted for by Bereavement but the unresolved grief Styron had toward his mother can be consider a major factor that contributed to his depression. The childhood trauma and the unresolved grief will be discussed later in this essay. In Styron’s case his depression began gradually during the six to eight month time frame. â€Å"Styron is on point in his astute description of milder dysthymic states that evolve into physiologically engaged forms of sever, endogenous depressions† (England, Ganzer, Foster, Tosone, 2006). Based on client’s current situation it is reasonable to give Styron â€Å"moderate† with current GAF score of 65. Styron stayed in hospital for nearly seven weeks and discharged with an improvement in his illness and his functions. All of his statements of â€Å"I began to get well, gradually but steadily† â€Å"the fantasies of self destruction disappeared† â€Å"suicidal notions dwindled then disappeared† â€Å"had first dream in many months† indicated that he was in the process of Partial recovery. Not only he started to feel â€Å"peace† in his mind but also he was able to attend hospital group activities. Styron has high adaptive level of defensive functions at current state. The understanding of the causes of depression has evolved over centuries. While Styron was detecting his â€Å"forgotten or buried events† that underlay his depression it will be important to look into his case through the biopsychosocial lens. From biopsychosocial model perspective the three major factors which all play a role in causing depression are biological, psychological and social factors. There are three aspects that contribute to Styron’s biological factor: genetic, alcohol use and medication. Based on Styron’s memory, his father, a shipyard engineer, suffered from clinical depression. When Styron was a young boy he have witnessed his father’s depression and hospitalization. Recent genetic research supports earlier studies reporting family links in depression (Pittenger Duman, 2008). If one or both of child’s parents have a vulnerability to depression, then it can be transmitted to the child. Therefore Styron’s father’s depression can be viewed as a risk factor to Styron’s later depression. In the narrative of Styron, he stated his dependence on alcohol and the overuse of Halcion for his sleeping problem. Excessive alcohol consumption significantly increases the risk of developing major depression (Gottlieb). Similar to alcohol, the increased risk for developing depression in benzodiazepines might be due in part to effects of drugs on neurochemistry, like decreased levels of serotonin and norepinephrine (Pittenger Duman, 2008). Styron himself acclaims that â€Å"more significant factor† (Styron, 1990) to his depression was the death of his mother when he was thirteen. In order to view psychological factor in Styron’s case Styron’s early mother lost has strong affect on his depression. Attachment theory predicts a relationship between depressive disorder and the early bond between the child and parents. Particularly the experiences of early loss, separation may all lead to insecure internal working models (Ma, 2006). To Styron, the death of his mother has â€Å"created nearly irreparable emotional havoc† (Styron, 1990) for him. This huge hole in his life may lead to his insecure and self-worthlessness. This insecure internal working models manifest through depressed individuals often blaming themselves for negative events and may not taking credit for positive outcomes. Styron reaction towards can be interpreted as he subconsciously felt he was not worthy of the honor (Marowitz, 2009). Regarding Styron’s own insight of â€Å"incomplete mourning† (Styron, 1990) he is right about the unsolved grief can keep bring the â€Å"insufferable burden of rage, guilt and sorrow†. â€Å"The Styrons were a dignified Southern WASP fanily and open displays of grief were tacitly discouraged† (England, Ganzer, Foster, Tosone, 2006). Since Styron was stuck in the phase of unresolved grief and using rage, guilt, and sorrow as the fuel for his work he never really learned a correct way to release his negative repeating emotions. Social factor in Styron’s case may be his social isolation during his early life from childhood to adolescent. As an only child in the family Styron’s social support can only come from his depressed father and mother with terminal illness. There was no one to share the burden and loneliness with him. As a pre mature and gifted child Styron went to school’s grade that did not match his developmental stage.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Creative Writing Essay Example for Free

Creative Writing Essay He didn’t look anything like I’d expected. That was when I realised something was wrong. Bad thoughts were rushing through my head at a million miles an hour. I could hear and see nothing for miles except for his dark outline. Confusion and worry was all I could think and I could feel myself shaking. The footsteps were getting louder so I slowly backed away, trying not to make it obvious. Why had I agreed to this, it had been spur of the moment when I’d been upset over that stupid boy from math class. I should have known better than to be so stupid. Then he realised what was happening ‘Sweetie it’s fine. Don’t move I’ll look after you.’ his voice was deep but somehow reassuring. For a second it calmed me down. He sounded so nice, had I jumped to conclusions? Maybe he was just worried about the age gap. I started to walk towards him and he got a beer out of his bag. ‘Have some of this darling.’ He offered it to me but that was one thing I knew to reject. I wasn’t going to be even stupider and drink alcohol in this situation. He turned towards the car and signaled for me to follow. Slowly I trailed behind with my feet scuffling along the floor as I considered my options. I was scared but I didn’t want to believe he would be horrible after how well we had got on before we had met. So I followed him along the path towards what I supposed was his car at the end of the street. I felt in my pocket, my phone was there safely, it would all be fine. I can look after myself I remember thinking. If only I had known. When I reached the car we both got in, with not a word uttered from either of us. He started the car and I plucked up the courage to ask where we were going. ‘Wouldn’t you like to know’ he laughed. He revved the car and off we went through the streets. My heart started to beat faster and faster, it was out of control. I started to shake. My conscience kicked in. Stop Amber, Take control. ‘Please I don’t think this is a good idea, I want to go home’ I stuttered quietly. He laughed in my face. ‘Please, Please.’ I shouted louder but he wasn’t listening. We carried on driving. I noticed where we were driving to; it was towards the abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. I was angry with myself especially for agreeing to meet in the middle of no where, that should have been the first sign of something not being right. Who would have wanted to meet there unless they weren’t who they said they were. What shall I do? How do I get out of here? So many thoughts were swirling round my head. Then the car stopped. He started to get closer, his hand was moving down my thigh and his face was getting closer and closer to mine. I tried to move away but I could feel his warm breath on my face. He had his hand clenched tightly onto my arm so I couldn’t move. I kicked and he grabbed me even harder. I could feel his sweaty hand moving up my skirt and under my tights. I couldn’t talk, I was frozen with fear. Then I don’t know what came over me but suddenly I wasn’t scared anymore. I spat as hard as I could in his face. His shock made him pull back, this was my chance to get out. I hit him as hard as my arms would let me, moved back and then kicked him in the face. I saw his hand move towards the lock button on the car. As quick as I could I pushed the door open and fell to the street floor. Grabbing my bag I got up and ran as fast as my legs could go. I could hear shouting and screaming from behind but I daren’t look back. He was running after me, I could hear his feet pounding against the street floor. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and push me against the floor. ‘I think she’s waking up’ I heard people whispering around me. Slowly I opened my eyes and above me I could see what seemed to be a doctor and a man dressed in a suit. ‘Amber, are you okay? Do you remember what happened the other day?’ The other day? Last thing I remember was lying on the street floor looking into those dark brown eyes. Then I looked to the side and I could faintly make out the body of a man asleep on a bed next to me. As they saw me look over they started to draw the curtain around him but not before I saw them. Handcuffs locking him to the bed. It was him.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Natural Language Processing Technology

Natural Language Processing Technology Melchor Abejon Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science devoted to emulating the human mind (Wager, Lee and Glaser, p.305, 2013). Today, one common use of AI is integrated into the Google search engine which can suggest alternative keywords when a user types a misspelled word in a chain of keywords. Another form of AI is the Siri for the iPhone. In the field of healthcare, the rising use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in many health care facilities entails the use of innovative technologies that likewise incorporate AI to facilitate the transition from paper-based health records to EHRs. One type of AI technology that can be found in healthcare settings is the Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. The purpose of this paper is to: Define the Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. Determine the possible benefits the NLP technology will provide to medical professionals and health organizations. Determine the possible disadvantages that could occur to using the NLP technology. Determine the barriers to using the NLP technology. Definition of NLP Technology Wager, Lee and Glaser (2013) define NLP as a program that takes human language (typed as text or input as voice) and translate it into a standard computer instruction (p.306). It is a fact that majority of the clinical documentations that can be found in healthcare today are unstructured and are buried within EHRs. These unstructured information are faulty and redundant and can obstruct the healthcare industrys goal to establishing an efficient and data- driven clinical decision making. And with the emergence of the NLP technology, the extraction of valuable information can be leveraged to create a more informed clinical decision making to improve the quality of patient care and at the same time reducing the healthcare cost. Benefits of the NLP Technology NLP enables meaningful use. NLP integrated in EHRs can significantly assist health providers to easily capture specified health facts such as vital signs, allergies, smoking status and health problem lists via narrative description or voice. These health facts are difficult and time consuming to capture via the EHR system alone. The capture of specified health facts with the aid of NLP technology enables providers to qualify for incentive payments by the federal government. NLP enables predictive care. A more advanced Clinical Language Understanding (CLU) solution or technology can provide immediate feedback to health providers at the point of dictation whether they are using a mobile phone, digital recorder or PDA.ÂÂ   An example is, when CLU technology is integrated and running in the background of an EHR system, the system can notify a physician for adverse drug reaction during the documentation of prescription for a patient, and it would even recommend an alternative medication treatment for the patient. When NLP is integrated in an EHR system, it can develop opportunities for a more efficient Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI). NLP can assist CDI specialists to quickly perform a comprehensive data mining. Identification of patients for clinical trial enrollment can be accelerated. NLP can assist organizations to quickly identify patients who maybe qualified for immunotherapies and clinical trials and research. NLP technology can help organizations comply with the core measures. Immediate assessment of documentation upon admission, and close monitoring of a patient is made possible with the use of the NLP technology. It also enables quick review of program notes and problem lists. NLP technology can provide real-time patient data. NLP can be used concurrently to monitor treatment of patients during their stay in the hospital. The alerts and reminders generated by NLP can help the providers to monitor their patients to mitigate the risk of acquiring infections. NLP technology enables effective billing system. NLP can improve the documentation process thus alleviating a lot of pain from the billing process for health providers and coders. Disadvantages of the NLP Technology Generic searching can be very difficult. Problem with synonyms. The abundance of synonymy in the medical field can be a problem in the use of NLP. Problem with homographs. Homograph refers to words that are spelled the same but has different meanings. Problem with polysemy. Polysemy refers to a word or phrase with many possible meanings. Ambiguous. Difficulty in identifying all of the possible meaning of words or combination of words. Non-standardized and not very compact. User needs to think of own search terminology and or synonym. Barriers to Using NLP Technology NLP is not a new technology in the field of healthcare, but so far its programs have met with limited success. Before it can reach the expected reliability performance, computer and NLP experts are expected to perform a tremendous job to address the barriers to integrating NLP tools in the clinical care. Though NLP is already embedded in products for some EHR vendors, the unstructured narrative texts and clinical notes still pose a major challenge for computer experts. According to Townsend (2013), a clinical text which is often ungrammatical and consists of bullet point telegraphic phases with limited context and lacking complete sentences poses a major challenge to using NLP. Other barriers to using the NLP technology are the poor standardization of data elements, inadequate policies on data governance and the never ending variation in the programming and designs of EHR systems. Conclusion As computer experts continue to seek refinement of the NLP technology, NLP will continue to deliver an important role in the management of health population and data analytics by extracting valuable health information and making them into actionable data to improve healthcare outcomes. Unstructured data in healthcare will remain a major challenge, but as efforts continue to build a stronger information governance and better standardization of data elements, the future of the NLP technology in the healthcare industry looks promising. References Bonney, S. (2015). Practical applications of NLP in healthcare: Enhancing the value of electronic data. Retrieved February 12, 2017 from HealthIT Analytics (n.d.). What is the role of natural language processing in healthcare? Retrieved February 12, 2017 from Nadkarni, P., Machado, L.O., and Chapman, W.W. (2011). Natural language processing: An introduction. Retrieved February 12, 2017 from Petro, J. ( 2011). Natural language processing in electronic health records. Retrieved February 12,2017 from Townsend, H. (2013). Natural language processing and clinical outcomes: The promise and progress of NLP for improved care. Retrieved February 12, 2017 from Wager, K.A., Lee, F.W., Glaser, J.P. (2013). Healthcare information systems: A practical approach for health care management (3rd ed ). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Essay examples -- essays research

Your Right-hand-man is in your Palm In the 1980s no one who was anyone, went anywhere, without his or her Filofax. The end of the 1990s had replaced it by its digital equivalent - the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). A PDA is effectively a handheld PC, capable of handling all the normal tasks of its leather-bound ancestor - address book, notepad, appointments diary and phone list. Most PDAs offer many more applications besides, such as spreadsheet, word processor, database, financial management software, clock, calculator and games. PC users have the ability to transfer data between the handheld device and a desktop PC and to convert data to and from existing organizer applications. They also achieve connectivity either via an infrared port or a special docking station. Because of their size, entering data into a PDA requires either a tiny keyboard or some form of handwriting recognition system. They're too small for touch-typing. This relies on a touch-screen display and a simplified alphabet - which takes about 20 minutes to learn - for data entry. Typically, PDAs with the Graffiti system provide the option to write directly onto the display which translates the input into text, or to open up a dedicated writing space which also provides on-line examples and help. I have been contemplating about purchasing a PDA and I’ve been to every store in town and all over the internet, to come up with a Top 5 PDAs & Handhelds according to Microsoft computers, makers of handh...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Buddha Essay -- essays research papers fc

Buddha The word Buddha means "enlightened one." It is used today as a title to the one who has given us more religious beliefs than almost any other human who lived in this world. However, he was not given this name at birth; he had to earn it for himself by undergoing long, hard hours of meditation and contemplation. Buddha has changed the lifestyles of many cultures with new, never-before asked questions that were explained by his search for salvation. He began an entirely new religion that dared to test the boundaries of reality and go beyond common knowledge to find the answers of the mysteries of life. India During the sixth century BC, India was a land of political and religious turmoil. It was an era of great brutality with the domination of Northwest India by Indo-Aryan invaders. Many people, influenced by the Aryan civilization, began to question the value of life and it's true meaning. Schools were opened because of this curiosity where teachers would discuss the significance of existence and the nature of man and held programs to reconstruct one's spiritual self. (Pardue, page 228) Background Near the town of Kapilavastivu, today known as Nepal, lived King Suddhodhana and Queen Maya of the indigenous tribe known as the Shakyas. (Encyclopedia Americana, page 687) Queen Maya soon became pregnant and had a dream shortly before she gave birth. In this dream a beautiful, white elephant with six tusks entered her room and touched her side. This dream was soon interpreted by the wisest Brahmin, or Priest of Brahmanism, that she was to give birth to a son that would, if he were to remain in the castle, become the wisest king in the world, but if he were ever to leave the castle he would then become the wisest prophet far into future generations. (Encyclopedia Americana, page 410) In around the year 563 BC, Siddhartha Gautama was born into a life of pure luxury. (Wangu, page 16) His father wanted to make sure that his son was well taken care of as he grew to prevent him from desiring to leave the palace. Suddhodhana, listening to the prophecy, kept Siddhartha away from the pain of reality so that he could follow in his father's footsteps in becoming a well respected leader. As Siddhartha grew, ... ... his teachings will be remembered for generations. He has sacrificed his total salvation so that mankind could be taught of the path to enlightenment. The Buddha has proven to be one of the wisest and giving men who touched the lives of so many millions of people. Buddhism will live on as a major impact on the cultures of the world and the Buddha will never be forgotten. "Everything that has been created is subject to decay and death. Everything is transitory. Work out your own salvation with diligence." -Buddha (Wangu, page 31) Bibliography "Buddha and Buddhism." Encyclopedia Americana. 1990. Cohen, John Lebold. Buddha. Mary Frank, 1969. Pardue, Peter A. "Buddha." Encyclopedia of World Biography. McGraw Hill, 1973. "The Buddha and Buddhism." The New Encyclopedia Britannica. 1990. Wangu, Madhu Bazaz. Buddhism. New York: Facts On File, 1993.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Beauty in Nature Essay

The world has come to a point where there is no turning back; where we can’t undo what is already done. We have forgotten the importance of the use of natural resources we need to survive. We have also forgotten our responsibility to the world, so that it can remain healthy and alive. I fear if we continue polluting our environment and not help it improve itself, we are going to have nothing towards the end. The world needs a better place for everyone to enjoy, no matter what living situation you are in. Everything relates to one another, water, air, energy, sun light, humans, and specially animals; we are all useful to one another. However, I believe that it is possible for us to improve our living situation, and make our world healthier to live in. It is not impossible to do, but if everyone is willing to work together and start making changes there will be a positive effect towards the world. We live and breathe toxic and factory pollution in our everyday lives without even realizing the damage that we have caused. Every year the atmosphere thickens with air pollution and lakes are becoming more toxic with the waste that we dump. Not realizing what we have done to the world and what we are taking advantage of, should be the red flag for us, telling us that we need to change our living situations now. However, being asked to cut down on some of our resources that we use in our everyday life would be difficult to do because some wouldn’t know how to survive without them. We need the supplies that we are used to because it is what we know and what we are used too. On the other hand, what is the harm on trying something new; taking shorter showers, picking up trash that is around you in public areas, buying recyclable pencils, or plastic bottles? Humans are not the only ones who live on the world; animals are very much involved too. Animals need to feel safe; they need a home to live in, and cutting down trees destroying their homes are not the ans wers. Animals suffer every day to find a home. For example Polar bears are going extinct because there is it too much heat in the atmosphere, heat is beginning to melt off the remaining ice that is left for them. Forest animals are being forced to live in different habitats because trees are being cut down for shelter and living supplies for the humans. If the world  continues to cut down trees and make more land for people to live on, there are going to be no trees left. Animals are defenseless against humans; they don’t have a voice as humans do. Someone needs to speak up for the animals, and protect their homes. Nature can be seen as a beautiful thing, yet we are killing off those beautiful things in the world. We do not do it intentionally, but we are killing off our natural resources just by living our daily lives. We are killing off our trees, so we can have paper and money so we can spend more on paper, houses, and fire. When one tree falls, another should be planted. This can help and we wouldn’t run out of trees. Cows, chicken, pigs, animals are getting killed off so we can have food on our plate, and have clothes on our backs so we won’t freeze during the winter nights. Even though we need nature to survive there is always a negative effect using it. There are many ways that we can improve our world. Although it might be difficult to fix the damage that was already caused there is still hope for improvement. If we start off small and work ourselves to the top improving the environment would become easier each year. We should turn off the lights after exiting the room, and install sensor lights in every house making sure that energy is not being wasted. We can cut back on our water supply when we are in the shower or washing the dishes and watering the grass, by setting a timer on when to stop. We can create new technologies, so we are able to manage the amount of smoke that comes out in factories. We can also help the environment by getting others to join beach cleanups. Having more people picking up trash can help in many ways. Cleaning up the beach made me think about the other things that can help this world to survive a bit longer. It is not impossible to do because humans are the main source; we are the ones that need little something from everything and from everyone. It is not hard to pick up unwanted trash around you at the park or the streets, it is rare when people do that but little things like that can change a lot. Picking up a broken glass from the beach might have saved someone’s foot from running into it; picking up the burned rubber from the fire pit might have saved a bird from shocking to death. One thing leads to another, everything matters in life weather if it is the smallest thing in the world. Picking up trash in the beach made it look cleaner and made it look like a beach that people would enjoy going to. Going to the beach has encouraged me to go back and enjoy  the sound the waves do when they hit the surface. The beach clean was a fun experience to have because it can make you love nature even more by the smell or the sound that it makes. One can enjoy the view of the dolphins when they pass by in little groups, going up and down as if they are saying hi and goodbye each time their head pops out. Protecting and enjoying the beach is important because it is something that was created for us to enjoy the fresh air, and ignore the ugly in the world. In conclusion, if we make small changes now in the way we live, we can avoid huge changes in the future. Scientists, governments and individuals must work together to overcome this threat. Keeping the environment clean and healthy can save many lives infants, teens, and the elderly. Cleaning earth and making it a better place is not in overnight process, it will probably take years to fix, but it is possible.

Monday, September 16, 2019

College football vs Nfl Essay

Many compare the National Football League (NFL) with college football but the two are not extremely similar and should never be compared. Yes, besides a few minor rule changes the NFL and college football are the same game; but there is much more to football then the rules. College football is better than the NFL for a wide variety of reasons. First, there exists more passion in college football all around the sport. Passion cannot be measured in anyway but can be observed and understood by the fans, coaches, and sports community. Players care more about the game and less about money, while the fans have great passion for the university they attend or attended. The lack of an influence money has on the game is admirable. Also, tradition is so vast in college football a game day experience cannot be compared with those of the NFL. The special rivalry games and in stadium events makes college football great. Rivalries, passion, playing rules, and timing are few of the reasons why college football is better than the NFL. Along with great activities like tailgating, the wonderful scheduling, the entertainment, and the comeback friendly rules college football has the best case for why it is levels above the NFL. Passion is sought after in all sports, and is the most apparent in college athletics. Money determines everything in pro football and the large impact it has is just too obvious. The same cannot be said for college football. The great passion and emotion seen in players and coaches, and their loyalty to their team helps make college football a lovable game. The football team at a university represents the town, the state, and what the community stands for. College football players are said to be passionate, play hard, hard workers, and fearless. NFL players are most known for complaining and not wanting to be hit hard. There is passion in every play and intensity like no other in college football. It is just a drag watching the NFL because most of the time there is no passion, it’s just guys playing for that next paycheck (Fisher). The fact that the student athletes play for opportunity and the love of the game is invigorating to all sport fans. College football has been said to be more pure of a game. This means they play for the chance to make the league, and are about the game. Another reason passion is more reflected in college football is the lack of salary related hold outs. This refers to the many major star athletes who have large contract disputes and skip on camp and all team activities until they are paid more money. Players risk team success for selfish personal reasons. Prime examples of a player negatively affecting a team with a hold out are Albert Haynesworth, Terrell Owens, Michael Crabtree, Maurice Jones-Drew, Chris Johnson, and many more. These players put personal motives over team goals; it is inferred that the star athletes prefer money over team success. There has never been one single hold out in college football. Historically players in contract years have shown just a little more effort to ensure they make a few extra dollars when their pay days come around (Eliesen). Stats go up and so does the amount of work put in. This shows that players give more effort when money is on the line. The impact money has on the NFL makes college football that much better. Another issue with the money influence of the NFL is players will switch teams for more money, wins, or a bigger market. Not just some players, all players. In college you can transfer for academic or personal reasons but there are consequences. In 2010-11, 6. 4 percent of Division I student-athletes transferred from one four-year school to another four-year school. Included in that figure are 969 football student-athletes. All of those student-athletes were required to sit out a year of competition (NCAA). In the NFL it is expected that a player would turn their back on their team and city for more money or a better personal opportunity. In college it is discouraged, frowned upon, and penalized against. The players passion for the game, loyalty to their teams, and absents of holdouts and other money related issues are the start of a long list of reasons why college football is better than the NFL. The passion shows the college players are about the game, not the money. The tradition of college football is unlike that of any sport. The significance of it is immeasurable. To start college football has outstanding rivalry games. They are better than the NFL rivalry games simply because they have existed longer, are closer games, in a larger variety, and the fans and schools hate each other more. Classic examples include Army versus Navy, the iron bowl, Ohio State versus Michigan, USC versus Notre Dame, Miami versus FSU, The red river rivalry, the civil war, the dual in the dessert, the world’s largest cocktail party, LSU versus Alabama, and several others. Compare that with Dallas against Washington; the best rivalry in the NFL. Not a comparison. Every team in college football has a rival. Iowa State has Kansas State. Indiana has Illinois. Baylor has Texas Tech. Cincinnati has Louisville. It’s not what you think of when you think Auburn/Alabama, Ohio State/Michigan and Texas/Oklahoma, but even the lesser-known powers have rivals that riles up the fan bases. The NFL? I challenge you to name the Carolina Panthers’ top rival (Wilson). The atmosphere surrounding the towns and the great rivalry games out perform the NFL’s weak rivalry match ups. Next, fans have more to route for in college. The fact that the students and alumni get to support the place they graduated from cannot be matched. For NFL fans most of them root for the city’s team you were born in. For college football fans the team you cheer for could be across the nation because you had a family member go there or your family has always cheered for them. For college football fans it doesn’t matter what city you live in (Fisher). Good examples of great tradition are Oregon’s uniforms, dotting the I in Ohio, Chief Osceola, war eagle, Howards rock, the dog UGA, and the play like a champion today sign in South Bend. Literally, 100 more traditions could be named. Traditions such as those just don’t exist in the NFL. There isn’t the same level of tradition in the pro game (Killoren). Stadiums, fight songs, bands, and the college campus on game day, pep rallies, are all things that are just not seen in professional football. The tradition in college football is evident and changes the game completely. Most importantly the strong and vast group of rivalry games in college makes the NFL division games appear as friendly competition. A main reason why college football is better than the NFL is because in college the timing in all around better. By the timing, I mean the rules that influence the time and the scheduling. College football starts a week earlier which means over 120 division one college games have been played before the NFL starts. College football has more games in general and starts off football season right. Next, is Saturdays are better for watching and playing football than Sundays. Nobody wants to go to work the day after a crazy game. People need Sunday to relax after a crazy tailgating and game experience. To me, there’s nothing better than going to bed on Friday night knowing that you have nothing to do on Saturday except watch college football. Even if you find a few hours to watch your favorite NFL team, you still have it hanging over your head that it’s back to work in the morning. That feeling always tends to take the wind out of my sails (FanNation). Who wants to be out late on a Sunday night at a prime time game? How about Saturday? There is a big difference between the two. During bowl season we get to see 35 prestigious match ups of team with winning records in solid football games over a 23 day period. Right over the holidays when everyone has school and work off there is football on every day. This is set up nicely for viewers. Seniors get a last chance to represent themselves and their school in the bowl game that they have worked so hard to earn. Lastly, college has comeback friendly rules that the NFL do not have. Stopping of the clock on a first down, one foot in bounds for a catch, chains must be set before clock starts, and clock stopping all game when you get out of bounds keep college games entertaining and help you see more action. According to a Wall Street Journal study of four games from week 16, the average NFL game features just 10 minutes 43 seconds of action (Chase). The comebacks that have determined champions and the outcome of high profile games are because of the comeback friendly rule book of college football. College football is more entertaining than the NFL for many reasons but bowl season, the comeback friendly rules, Saturdays over Sundays, and the extra week of football are just some vital examples. The pregame activities, tailgating, the more logical football rules such as overtime standards, and ESPNs outstanding coverage give college an extra edge on professional football. College game day travels to the biggest game of the week and perform a 3 hour special on campus live in front of an audience with different guest stars, storylines, and gimmicks each week. Hands down NFL Countdown can’t compete with College Gameday (Fisher). Also, college goal line which updates all the score nationwide is very popular around the country. In college football the sport is played the right way. If a player hits the ground he is down, in the NFL he can get back up and run if not touched. This leads to many missed calls and slows down play. The overtime rules are better in college because you can’t tie. Yes, in the NFL there is the terrible possibility of a tie. Also, each time gets a chance and the better team is awarded the victory. In the NFL it’s more about the coin flip than the play. Parties on campus, pep rallies, and fun halftime events like the famous Dr. Pepper challenge are great add ons to college football. The college life sparks parties and pep rallies. Some schools even cancel classes the day before a big game. Students camp out to get tickets and great scenes like that are noticed all around the country. The weekend gives students a break. What more would students want to do than party and route on their schools football team. Lastly, tailgating is bigger in college football. Fans have all of the next day to relax so they enjoy their tailgating. Only 30 percent of the tailgaters actually make it inside the stadium. People do not tailgate a week before for an NFL game. College students start tailgating that Sunday or Monday after that last game they just went too (Fisher). College fans take tailgating very serious and make a 3 hour game into a week event in which they can relax, watch football, eat good food, and reunite with friends and family. The activities around college football separate it from the old boring games on Sunday. College football has passion, traditions, entertainment, and an incredible environment that the NFL lacks. These reasons were choose from a list of 200 reasons college football is better. Upsets, unpredictability, cheer leaders, the Heisman, coaching dynasties, the spread offense, uniforms, new programs, and other reason were not even discussed because college football has such a huge variety of great attributes. This makes college football more appealing to the fans and viewers. Understand that all these reasons build on the case of why college football beats the NFL. Yes, the players are less talented when they are younger. It should have been made clear that the game is about more than this though. The college players do not only care about money. Love of the game, the tradition, the entertainment, and the rules are a few of the prominent reasons college football is better. However, Most of these reasons cannot be based of scientific facts or stats. The reasons listed are based on what is the best game to watch and support. A personal opinion and judgment is what makes this argument worth demonstrating. It cannot be proven through facts and data but there are numerous reasons that help show the point that is trying to be made. All the evidence is there and all that is left to do is choose what reasons makes college football better than the NFL. There are many to choose from.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How children development is influenced by many factors Essay

A childs development can be affected by both personal and external factors. Personal factors are those that are sepcific to an individual child and external factors are those that could theoretically affect each and every child. Personal factors include the following: Health Some children’s development may be affected by a pre-existing health condition. For example a baby’s development can be affected during the pregnancy, if a mother smokes, takes drugs, drinks alcohol or contracts certain infections such as rubella. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome occurs when a mother drinks large amounts of alcohol during her pregnancy. This condition will usually affect a child’s cognitive and physical development. The amount of alcohol consumed, as well as, when during the pregnancy it was drunk and whether it involved binge drinking or large amounts being drunk on a regular basis, will affect the level of disability caused. FAS can also cause delays in physical development as the child maybe underweight, problems with feeding and speech due to facial abnormalites and neurological problems such as alcohol withdrawal, problems with memory and communication and a low IQ. A range of developmental areas can be affected by a health issue not just the physica l development. For example: †¢Their ability to make friends. A child who is repeatedly away from school may not be able to get to know the other children. †¢Their education. Days maybe missed due to hospital or doctor’s appointments or long periods of time missed because of hospitilisation or just not feeling well enough to go to school. †¢A lack of confidence and low self esteem. They may have to rely heavily on adults in some areas of their lives and have little or no sense of self-reliance. Many doctors are now encouraging children to be partially responsible to their condition, for example children with diabetes are often encouraged to inject themselves. †¢Missed opportunities. Some children may not be able to take part in certain activities on offer. Running or playing outside may trigger their condition. There are other health issues that may affect development. This could be as simple as a bout of toncilitis resulting in a couple of  weeks off school at an important point of the child’s education or a chronic health condition like diabetes that may mean missing lessons due to regular hospital appointments while the condition is being monitored. Disability Cerebal palsy is a neurological condition that affects the brain and nervous system. It is a general term that covers a range of conditions that affect a child’s morvement and co-ordination and is caused by damage to the brain before, during or just after the birth. Again the symptoms and severity vary greatly from child to child and also by the type of Cerebral palsy suffered for example spastic hemiplegia or ataxic cerebral palsy. Some children have the ability to walk but the age at which they can do this will be affected by either hypotonia (decreased) or hypertonia (increased muscle tone). Spina Bifida is another condition that is present from birth. Generally it does not affect a child’s cognitive development but, depending on the type a child has, may affect their physical development. In severe cases the child’s legs may be partially or even fully paralysed and there may also be urinary and bowel incontinence issues. The number of children born with spina bifida is now low, due to the recommendation that women take folic acid whilst trying for a baby and in the early stages of pregnancy. Spina Bifida may not only affect a child’s physical development. It may also affect the following areas:- †¢Intellectual development as the child may have to have lots of time off of school. †¢Emotional development as they may feel different to those children around them. †¢Social development as they are not able to socialise with others. Sensory Impairment A visual or hearing impairment can have a big effect on many areas of development. A hearing impairment can mean that speech is unclear and words pronuounced incorrectly. This can lead to a child avoiding social interaction, affecting emotional and social development, if they feel unable to express themselves properly. One of the main areas of physical development is hand-eye co-ordination and for a child with a visual impairment this take a lot longer to master. Learning Disabilities A child’s cognitive development will be affected by learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD, until it is picked up on. A Special  Educational Needs Co-ordinator (Senco), which all schools have, will ensure that the extra educational support needed by the child is in place by working with the child and their parent/carers. The social and emotional development and wellbeing of a child with learning difficulties may also be affected if they are seen as ‘different’ by those around them and are teased and/or bullied and the effects of this type of treatment can cause issues well into adulthood. Genetics As soon as a child is conceived their development begins. Their genetic information is made up from both the egg and the sperm. This information can sometimes be faulty and will affect the development of the health of the child. Down’s syndrome is an example of a genetic disorder. People with Down’s syndrome have an extra copy of the chromosome 21 in the cells of their body. There are some facial and other physical features that are common with this disorder as well as certain medical problems. For example atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD). This is a condition where there is a hole in the muscle that usually separates the different chambers in the heart. Typically speaking the rate at which most children with Down’s syndrome will develop will be affected because they have some degree of learning difficulty. However, the level of difficulty will vary from one person to another. Generally the usual speech and physical milestones will be reached but at a later s tage than other children. External factors that may affect development include the following: – Poverty Poverty will probably have a major effect on development. Statistics show that children from poor backgrounds are less likely to flourish and achieve well at school. Parents will find it harder to deal with their children’s requirements which will have a bearing on all areas of development. For example:- †¢Intellectual – Limited or no access to books, internet or other resources for studying. †¢Social – May not have the money to be able to take part in activities that their friends are. †¢Physical – Poor diet or not being able to heat house in cold weather may cause health problems. Family background/environment The adults who care for children have an influence on their development.  Parents play an extremely important role in the lives of the their children. Although most parents do a good job at nurturing and providing for their children, there are a number of reasons why some parents are not able to do as good a job. Depression or an addiction to either drink or drugs are a few. Younger children may be neglected, whilst older children may have to take on a caring role within the family. A child’s development is also influenced by what they are born with and by the experiences that they have. For example a child that’s born with the potential to be a great long distance runner may not realise that potential unless they are given the opportunity to practise and the encouragement from adults to do it. A child’s cultural background can also have an effect on a number of their areas of development e.g. social – the primary language spoken at home may be different to the primary language at school. Most families suffer stresses at times, some may be temporary, some more permanent but all may have an effect on a child’s emotional and/or cognitive development and may result in a change in their behaviour or ability to learn. Here are a few examples: – †¢A change of employment. †¢Redundancy or unemployment. †¢Moving home whether locally or further afield. †¢Changes in family structure eg parents seperating, divorcing or finding new partners. †¢The birth of a new baby. †¢The death or illness of a family member. †¢The disability of a family member. Neglect/Abuse There have been a lot of studies carried out on the relationship between the different types of child abuse/neglect and the affect on the different areas of development including physical, health, emotional and behavioural. The extent of the affect varies according to the seriousness, length of time and rate of recurrence of abuse/neglect but can continue to have an impact on the adult lives. The effects of neglect/abuse on a child’s development may include:- †¢Serious brain development issues. A child that is neglected during the  first year of their life can suffer from serious brain development issues. Studies have shown that the brain of a 3 year old child who has suffered global neglect (the experience of several kinds of deprivation) will be notably smaller than a child who hasn’t. †¢Poor physical growth and or medical conditions such as anaemia caused by malnutrition. †¢Problems forming and maintaining friendships/relationships. †¢Lack of confidence/low self-esteem caused by emotional abuse. Care status Although some children in care have no developmental issues, many do. The lack of family stability and moving from one carer to another can have a negative affect on a child’s social, emotional and behaviour development and cause problems with their ability to form attachments or to deal with separations. Children may have been abused or neglected prior to entering care system. This may also affect their social, emotional and behaviour development but may also affect their speech and language development as they are too distressed to talk. They may also suffer with mental health issues that may lead to delays in their cognitive development as time off from school is required. Children in care may also meet similar issues to those with disabilities and learning difficulties.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

My Hips My Caderas

In the excerpt, â€Å"My Hips, My Caderas† by Alisa Valdes, gives distinctive examples of her life story to develop a meaning for how society perceives women. America strives to fit the perception of beauty because it is the single physical characteristic that makes us matter. Her anecdotes show us how the world shapes our thoughts to brainwash us. Alisa Valdes personal experiences are a service to provide a better explanation of how we perpetrate in order to be welcomed in society. â€Å"Beauty is in the eye of the culture. † This is an essential quote that summarizes the moral of Valdes story.Being a biracial woman, she received perspectives from two cultures about the way she looks. Valdes is white and Cuban. She is a girl with hips and curves. She is seen as voluptuous. White Americans and Cubans have different viewpoints on how women should look and what beauty is considered to be. Valdes body type isn’t accepted in by all of her family because of the type o f the different type of society they live in. As a child it confused her as to what herself image should be. Her mother’s side of the family is white Americans who believed being skinny was the key to beauty.In America, we have several reminders of what we should look like. Our models are size zeros. All our foods are low fat or reduced in calories producing dieting. We also promote surgery to stay skinny. Hips or la caderas are seen as fat which is ugly, ugly being the antonym for beauty. On the contrary her father’s side believed that the thicker you were or the more curves that complimented one’s body made you more of a woman. That notion highlighted a woman’s beauty. Caderas, often referred to in her explanation, simply translated is hips.In Latin cultures caderas are the stomach, waist, and thighs. It’s all that makes a â€Å"real woman†. La caderas are the essence of a woman. Those who don’t posses these caderas are seen as sick . It’s unattractive to the eye. The different cultures that she exemplifies contradict each other. Valdes has significant times in her child hood where she remembers the two cultures impacted the way she thought about herself. Being involved in her father’s culture, being voluptuous was a blessing. When Valdes was 12 she remembers the Chicanos making catcalls at her because she was so curators.She took those signs of beauty for granted and started to diet, taking to the American way of beauty. She also talks about her and her friend going to dance and men lining up to dance with her and her turning them down because she said â€Å"I often say †no†, because I can†. This leads me to infer that she felt beautiful and she knew she was due to her hips. If she didn’t think so she wouldn’t turn the men down. That culture made her appreciate herself and have positive outlooks about how she looked. In America she remembers being in a step aerobi cs class and women making negative statements about how she looks.She sometimes hear the woman in the front row whisper â€Å"My God, would you look at those hips†. Her attributes are looked down upon as if they are a bad thing in America. She has experienced both cultures and have a gotten a different response on her body. Self image is destructive but it’s what makes civilization significant. The world revolves around images that are acceptable and it’s the drive around the world. In the society we live in, civilization is based on appearance. Our world rotates on its axis because of it. It’s deadly to walk outside without makeup on or above a certain weight.American’s have reality television that are designed just for losing weight and to critique the appearance of our celebrities. Everyone is a target in America to bee objectified. There is no discrimination. In middle school I was often picked on for being so skinny and I hated my body. When I got to high school I started to gain weight not in my â€Å"caderas† but my butt. I started to love my body more because everyone else did. Girls would tell me how they would kill for my shape and I would tell them how I would love to have theirs. I wanted breast and hips like those girls but they wanted to be a stick like me, I couldn’t understand.Those girls were envisioning themselves as being the females they see on the television and I was the closest thing to their dreams. Continuously taking my body for granted the next teenage girl was admiring my imperfections perfectly. I learn eventually to embrace my small figure but looking at celebrities like Beyonce’ and other full figured women I get self conscious sometime. It’s as if my body isn’t good enough and I fall back into the depression of why my body can’t look a certain way. It is a struggle in itself because your image is your introduction.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Bessie Coleman Biography

Bessie Coleman Biography Born: January 26, 1892 Atlanta, Texas Died: May 1, 1926 Jacksonville, Florida African American aviator Bessie Coleman was the first African American to earn an international pilots license. She dazzled crowds with her stunts at air shows and refused to be slowed by racism (a dislike or disrespect of a person based on their race). Early life Bessie Coleman was born on January 26, 1892, in a one-room, dirt-floored cabin in Atlanta, Texas, to George and Susan Coleman, the illiterate (unable to read and write) children of slaves. When Bessie was two years old, her father, a day laborer, moved his family to Waxahachie, Texas, where he bought a quarter-acre of land and built a three-room house in which two more daughters were born. In 1901 George Coleman left his family. Bessies mother and two older brothers went to work and Bessie was left as caretaker of her two younger sisters. Education for Coleman was limited to eight grades in a one-room schoolhouse that closed whenever the students were needed in the fields to help their families harvest cotton. Coleman easily established her position as family leader, reading aloud to her siblings and her mother at night. She often assured her ambitious church-going mother that she intended to amount to something. After completing school she worked as a laundress and saved her pay until 1910 when she left for Oklahoma to attend Langston University. She left after one year when she ran out of money. Back in Waxahachie Coleman again worked as a laundress until 1915, when she moved to Chicago, Illinois, to live with her older brother, Walter. Within months she became a manicurist and moved to a place of her own while continuing to seek—and finally, in 1920, to find—a goal for her life: to become a pilot. Learning to fly After befriending several leaders in South Side Chicagos African American community, Coleman found a sponsor in Robert Abbott (1868–1940), publisher of the nations largest African American weekly, the Chicago Defender. There were no African American aviators (pilots) in the area and, when no white pilot was willing to teach her to fly, Coleman turned to Abbott, who suggested that she go to France. The French, he insisted, were not racists and were the worlds leaders in aviation. Coleman left for France late in 1920. There she completed flight training at the best school in France and was awarded her Fà ©dà ©ration Aà ©ronautique Internationale (F.A.I.; international pilots license) license on June 15, 1921. She traveled Europe, gaining further flying experience so that she could perform in air shows. Her mission Back in New York in August 1922, Coleman outlined the goals for the remainder of Bessie Coleman. Reproduced by permission of the Corbis Corporation her life to reporters. She would be a leader, she said, in introducing aviation to her race. She would found a school for aviators of any race, and she would appear before audiences in churches, schools, and theaters to spark the interest of African Americans in the new, expanding technology of flight. Intelligent, beautiful, and well spoken, Coleman often exaggerated her already remarkable accomplishments in the interest of better publicity and bigger audiences. As a result, the African American press of the country, primarily weekly newspapers, quickly proclaimed her Queen Bess. In 1923 Coleman purchased a small plane but crashed on the way to her first scheduled West Coast air show. The plane was destroyed and Coleman suffered injuries that hospitalized her for three months. Returning to Chicago to recover, it took her another eighteen months to find financial backers for a series of shows in Texas. Her flights and theater appearances there during the summer of 1925 were highly successful, earning her enough to make a down payment on another plane. Her new fame was also bringing in steady work. At last, she wrote to one of her sisters, she was going to be able to earn enough money to open her school for fliers. A tragic ending Coleman left Orlando, Florida, by train to give a benefit exhibition for the Jacksonville Negro Welfare League, scheduled for May 1, 1926. Her pilot, William D. Wills, flew her plane into Orlando, but had to make three forced landings because the plane was so worn and poorly maintained. On April 30, 1926, Wills piloted the plane on a trial flight while Coleman sat in the other cockpit to survey the area over which she was to fly and parachute jump the next day. Her seat belt was unattached because she had to lean out over the edge of the plane while picking the best sites for her program. At an altitude of 1,000 feet, the plane dived, then flipped over, throwing Coleman out. Moments later Wills crashed. Both were killed. Coleman had three memorial services—in Jacksonville, Orlando, and Chicago, the last attended by thousands. She was buried at Chicagos Lincoln Cemetery and gradually, over the years following her death, achieved recognition at last as a hero of early aviation.

Advertising Analyse an advertising campaign for any product or Coursework

Advertising Analyse an advertising campaign for any product or services - Coursework Example any was able to cut a niche in the market since it is molded in the counterculture phenomenon and it is characterized by innovative and revolutionary practices that has shaped its uniqueness, successes, strategies, products identity, and above all, its failures (Gallo, 2013). In 1990’s the failures of Apple’s strategies and brand loyalty was fast deteriorating. The company had lost millions in profits and jobs had been lost as the company tried to cut spending on personnel. Their popularity had further been worsened by their previous advertisement campaign which was perceived by the market to be way below their expectations. Furthermore, there was no single practical strategy that was working for the company at that time given that even their technological advancement was not ahead of other technological companies. Steve Jobs, the cofounder of Apple, returned to the company in 1997, displeased at the rate in which the company was sinking in his absence. Under his leadership, a new advertisement campaign was devised to restore the glory of the company, restore its market share and encroach into new markets for the personal computers. In the technological industry, especially where electronics are concerned, consumers were no longer interested in the basic features or acquiring products that everyone else has. Consumers wanted high quality products that are differentiated to define, not only what they say, but also to be the brand that defines what they drive, what they wear and what they possess. They wanted technological products that fit their lifestyles and add to the psychological meaning of what they possess already. Apple’s products gave the consumers products that had the potential to define their lives and needed an advertisement campaign that reminded them that (Yeshin, 2006). Apple’s Think Different campaign was pioneered by Jobs in an attempt to restore the counter-culture brand image that the company had lost. The transformational shift of the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Conflict of Interest between Owners and Operators Essay

Conflict of Interest between Owners and Operators - Essay Example This paper examines the nature of the duty to avoid a conflict of interest on the part of owners and operators in company law. This research, however, is industry based and focuses on the nature of that duty in the gas and oil industry. In this regard, the nature and legal consequences of oil and gas agreements are examined. Once the various methods for engaging oil and gas contracts are explained, this research then turns its attention to the law relative to the corporate duty to avoid a conflict of interest and how that duty is interpreted and applied by the courts. The duty is then tied together with the owner and operator of the oil and gas industries. It is a common principle of company law that directors are required to put the interest of the company first and to avoid situations in which there is not only a conflict of interest but that there is a possibility of a conflict of interest. This rule is generally treated by the courts as entirely inflexible. As such it places upon the operator in an oil and gas agreement an onerous and quite often insurmountable burden as these persons are almost always involved in situations where there is a possibility of a conflict of interest. However, some court judgments such as Bray and Ford have relaxed the inflexible rule, holding that not all transactions are necessarily improper or illegal. This ruling could ease the unrealistic burden on operators who quite often come into contact with persons and entities that might have an interest that calls upon the operator to exercise a duty that might conflict with the oil and gas company whom he/she represents and serves.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Analysis of qualitative research article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analysis of qualitative research article - Essay Example Inappropriate assessment of patients by nurses may result in high incidences of suicide. Both qualitative and quantitative assessment methods are available for use and the method used may be depend on the setting. Purpose The purpose of the research was to understand how nurses conceptualize suicide among patients in addition to the strategies they use in the process of assessment. Due to the emerging trends in suicide assessment inappropriate assessment might fail to pick potential suicide patients. Research design and research tradition The traditional phenomenography which analyses the different ways in which people experience, conceptualize, identify, and familiarize themselves with various aspects of phenomena in the world around them was used in this study. This method is frequently used in health care research and was utilized in an inductive, qualitative and descriptive approach to help understand the conceptualizations of suicide by psychiatric nurses and the strategies that psychiatric nurses utilize when conducting a suicide evaluation. Sampling A convenience/snowball sampling method was utilized in the study to recruit six psychiatric-mental health nurse participants for the ten months study period. The participants were obtained from two advanced practice nurses agencies in different psychiatric settings and different Northeastern states with the help of nurse managers. One of the settings chosen was a psychiatric hospital's emergency assessment unit while the other was an inpatient psychiatric unit of a general hospital. Five of the six participating nurses were females with four of them having more than 15 years experience while the fifth had nine months experience as a psychiatric mental health nurse and more than five years experience as a mental health worker. The sixth participant was a male nurse with more than 15 years experience. All the participants were white with one having a master’s degree in nursing, three with bachelorâ€℠¢s degree and two with associate degrees in nursing. Data collection The research methods used for data collection were approved by the University of Rhode Island’s Institutional Review Board. Before data collection began consent was sought from both the participating nurses and the patients. The inclusion criteria for the patients included more than 18 years of age, ability to understand and speak English in addition to giving informed consent. The patients were also informed that their participation or non participation in the research would not affect the care they received from the institution. The data in this study was mainly obtained through interviews with the psychiatric nurses after suicide assessment of adult patients. The assessment sessions varied from between 15 minutes to one and a half hours among different patients. The interviews with the psychiatric nurses were recorded in a private room and were guided by a few questions. The nurses were however allowed to express their perceptions, in a clear and systematic manner, of how they conceptualize suicide and the strategies they use in the suicide assessment process. In a bid to obtain as much information and as possible the participating nurses were encouraged to think out aloud, deliberate, and even to pause before answering the questions if they need to. All the participating

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Concept of Organizational Culture and Its Importance to Any Essay

The Concept of Organizational Culture and Its Importance to Any Twenty-First Business Organization - Essay Example The researcher states that organizational culture cannot be explained via a rigid definition. It is something that emerges naturally through the conduct of the individuals in an organization and the way they transform themselves.   Change is an integral part of life. Thus businesses are also not excluded from the process of change. Change is the way forward to innovation, achievement and to growth. Managing change is an important task for the managerial personnel in any growth-oriented organization. Experts acknowledge the fact that â€Å"change is a task fraught with complexity and challenge†. Completing the change management process successfully is a challenging process and intense. The simplest starting point is to try and gain a superior understanding of the problems faced by the organization and identify the variables that are at the cause of these problems. The leaders face various kinds of complexities while they tackle organizational change. They are required to â₠¬Å"envision the content of change†, handle the distinctive features of the process of change; collaborate with the tumultuous process that is going on worldwide, adapt with the stunning technological advancements and employ the dynamic workforce intelligently to fulfill the profit maximization objective. Change management deals with the notion of change and the keys to the approaches to managing change. Culture has been regarded as a metaphor for an organization which is innovative and helps in developing new forms of understanding. A metaphor lets one view an entity in the perspective of another. A metaphoric representation tends to hint that we think of an organization as a culture. By taking organizations as a culture (organization ‘is’ a culture) one might understand the activities and orientation of the organization better and the nature, behavior, and performance of people in their organizational lives and positions of decision-making.

Monday, September 9, 2019

The role of uncertainty in the transmission of monetary policy effects Essay - 1

The role of uncertainty in the transmission of monetary policy effects on bank lending - Essay Example It is also shown that the weak, small & intermediate-sized banks tend to lend more than their stronger counterparts, during the time of higher uncertainty (Gatev and Strahan, 2003, pp.867-892). Apart from what is mentioned under bank lending channel, according to Bernanke and Gertler, it also examines the following: a key assumption is that bank is not able to easily replace lost deposits with the other source of funds, such as new equity issue or certificate of deposits (CDs). For several reasons, this assumption was correct for the United States before 1980. First reason is that, Federal Reserve imposed a â€Å"Regulation Q†, which placed a ceiling on the interest rates that bank could pay. Bank does not have any means of competing for funds and therefore suffered sharp reduction in deposits, when the interest rates of open market went above the ceiling. Second, reserve requirement were more difficult at that time than it is today and thirdly, markets for bank liabilities were less developed and less liquid than they are now (Bernanke and Gertler, 1995, pp.40-41). The statement in page number 5 that the reduction in observed lending is not due to a reduction in loan demand, but due to the reduction in loan supply is false. Rather, it reflects that the reduction in the quantity of loan is due to the decrease in loan demand and the reduction in loan supply (Kashyap and et al, 1993, p.79). One more fact is not mentioned: it takes into account the IS-LM model which states that there are only two financial assets, i.e. money and bonds and when the conditions where all distinctions between securities and bank loan can be ignored are not satisfied, then there are three assets, i.e. money, bank loans and securities. This model also states that monetary policy always operates through liability side of banks’ balance sheet, but the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

KEEPING WILD ANIMALS AS PETS Ecology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

KEEPING WILD ANIMALS AS PETS Ecology - Coursework Example This has led to increasing in a number of people who own exotic animals and thus its popularity in UAE. In all ecosystems, it resides in; the tiger is at the top of the food chain. If particular species in the food chain becomes wiped out, there is an unplanned effect on other species. Thus, the loss of one major predator can cause extinction of a victim species as greater rivalry presents a danger to the species (Hinnawi et al. 1987). First, since Tiger is at the top of the food chain, it keeps in check the population of gaur, sambar, wild boar and deer. The populace of these victim species would have an increase if not for tiger to control. Jointly, these paybacks are referred to as ecosystem services. Environmental services are the vital benefits for human beings that occur from healthily working ecosystems, particularly production of water detoxification, soil genesis, and oxygen. Adverse effects on economic development and human welfare. Without the protection of tigers, ecological services like natural flood controls, clean air, clean water and other forest resources would be in danger. Tiger needs these environmental services. Ecotourism is tourism aimed at toward foreign, often endangered, natural environments, particularly to observe wildlife and sustain conservation efforts. Ecotourism will not exist in UAE since if there was a plan to create this business it would not work as tigers face extinction. If single species in the food chain becomes wiped out there is an unplanned effect on other species. The loss of a major predator can indeed cause the extinction of a victim species as superior rivalry presents a danger to the species. It will lead climate change. Wiping out tigers implies that the forests, which are at present, secluded as principal home, would be probably fall victim to unlawful logging, conversion to development and agriculture. This results in increased CO2 production and climate transformation. Keeping wildcat