Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Boy in Striped Pyjamas

The story is mostly told from the viewpoint of a child, eight year old Bruno. His father is an SS Officer and the family move from Berlin into a house near the grounds of a concentration camp. Bruno thinks that the fence exists so that animals cannot escape. Schmuel laughs, but not unkindly and he informs Bruno that the purpose of the fence is to restrain the Jewish prisoners. The sadistic SS lieutenant beats to death the Jewish house servant, and following this Bruno discovers Schmuel working in his home.He gives him cake to eat, and at this point the lieutenant enters and notices the crumbs around Schmuel’s face. He accuses Schmuel of stealing food, and Schmuel denies it. He explains that he and Bruno are friends, and that this is why Bruno gave him the cake. Bruno is frightened of the lieutenant, and without regard for the consequences to his friend, he fears for himself and denies all knowledge of knowing Schmuel and says that he did not give him the cake. As children do, Bruno misunderstands the word and hears his new home referred to as â€Å"out with. This implies that the story is based on Auschwitz Shortly after their arrival, Bruno’s sister, twelve year old Gretel becomes increasingly more orientated towards the Nazi doctrine due to her attraction to the SS Lieutenant Kurt Kotler, her father’s underling. He subtly encourages Gretel’s feelings towards him, and it soon becomes clear that the SS Lieutenant is a particularly cruel psychopath. Bruno’s mother Elsa does not share the Nazi beliefs of her husband and daughter; however she is extremely afraid to voice her concerns. Bruno is too young to understand what is happening around him.He asks his father why he sees people wearing striped pyjamas. His father tells him that they are not people, and that they are only Jews. Although he is told not the leave the boundaries of the house, Bruno, like most young boys, becomes bored and decides to explore. He finds himself at the perimeter fence of the concentration camp and it is here that he meets Schmuel. Schmuel is a Polish Jew; he is the same age as Bruno and is a prisoner within the concentration camp. Bruno finds him sitting behind the fence wearing his striped pyjamas, and it is here that they strike a friendship.Along with his father, Schmuel has been captured and taken away from his mother and siblings. The enormity of his suffering is apparent in his appearance, it is visible in his eyes, his body language, and he is extremely thin. When Bruno gives food to Schmuel, the extent of his starvation is obvious in the ravenous way that he eats. The two boys have polar opposite experiences of the war. Bruno is completely naive and Schmuel is experiencing the agonising consequences. It appears that the concentration camp has turned a young boy into an adult. Schmuel is never irritated by Bruno’s naivety he simply responds with patience.It is clear that Schmuel is particularly sharp; he catches on quickly and almost instinctively seems to know what he can expect from Bruno. Schmuel appears to have accepted his way of life. A few days later Bruno visits Schmuel at the camp fence and finds him covered in bruises. It is clear by the condition of his face that he has received a particularly severe beating. As is his nature, Schmuel does not blame Bruno, and their friendship is untarnished. This is the beauty of Schmuel, many people, children and adults, would turn bitter at this experience and develop a real hatred for the Germans.Schmuel understands completely that the fault is not with Bruno. He does not resent the fact that Bruno is not in danger, or that he lives a comfortable life with his Nazi family. Schmuel is a truly good natured, forgiving and incredibly wise little boy. Schmuel tells Bruno that his father has disappeared, and that he cannot find him within the concentration camp. Neither boy has any notion that he has probably been gassed, and Bruno agrees to enter the camp and help Schmuel to look for him. It is here that the most harrowing scene of the book takes place.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Paulo Freire and Education Essay

Paulo Freire said that education can be construed as an exercise of domination if it manipulates the naivete and innocence of the students. This kind of pedagogy tends to use authority heavily so that the students would learn to accept such authority without challenging it. They become subservient to the interests of the authorities who have the power over the educational system. Freire’s (49) idea is that education can be used, and has been used by oppressors to enforce their rule over their subjects. Freire develops his ideas by looking at the history of colonization, particularly the relationship of the colonizers and the colonies and how the educational system was established in the colonies. Understanding the context of Brazil as a former colony is crucial in understanding the development of Freire’s ideas. Freire described the banking approach to education, treating students as empty bank accounts that will have to be filled with the ideas fed to it by the teachers. see more:role of teacher in social change Freire considers this approach as dehumanizing to both the teachers and the learners. Instead of the banking approach, the author advocated for a world-mediated and mutual approach to learning. This means that individuals can be educated through their interactions with each other and with the world. In this process, people are considered incomplete and they can strive to completeness through education (Freire 80). For Freire, education is a tool for shaping more than just the person but the whole society as well. This process is called conscientization. Freire’s approach to education echoes much of the ideas of critical theorists who believe, together with Marx that theory and education have to be used to change society for the better . Freire’s Approach to Education and Teaching Freire’s approach to education is not didactic. Instead of focusing only on rote learning and taking what the teachers say at face value, he puts a primer on interaction and on the experiences of the learners. For a teacher to become effective, he or she has to be integrated into the worldview of the students and not disconnected from it. Freire effectively highlighted the importance of the role of the teacher and how the teacher should present help the student go through the learning process. Freire’s approach helps teachers vary their teaching methods from being simply dispensers and givers of information to that of a facilitator and mediator in the learning process of the student. This type of pedagogy works best for teaching people who already have knowledge about the world and how who have an understanding about their role in it. For younger learners, however, such approach may not be very effective because of their lack of experiences. Furthermore, the worldview of younger students is still being formed. This means therefore that younger learners would still need to depend on the authorities in their lives for their early learning and education. Although at first, it would seem that the banking approach would be at work in this process. Yet, the educational approach should not be divorced from the overall cultural context and social realities of the society where the learners belong to. This not mean, however that education should degenerate to rote learning, memorization and mimicking of the ideas of the educators (Ladson-Billings 163). The Purpose of Education, Society and Political Power Freire recognized the power of education in creating change in the society. For him, education is not only about learning but also a power that can be used for social change. Therefore it is not only a tool of oppression; it can also work for the empowerment of disenfranchised members of the society. Education can be used effectively for helping people learn about their situation from their own point of view so they can become more aware of what their rights are and how they can improve their lives, their rights and how they can use their own resources for their empowerment (Giroux 65). Freire wrote Pedagogy of the Oppressed with colonialism and political and cultural freedom in mind. Yet, his ideas have been taken by educators all over the world in order to educate people concerning the importance of interaction and the application of education in their own contexts. His ideas have now been extended and applied in a number of learning contexts and environment. As the process of education continues to be scrutinized all over the world, the validity of Freire’s ideas will be seen as applicable in a number of ways. This time, such application will not be in the realm of colonialism and political freedom, but rather it can be applied in the overall process of educating individuals so they can be trained as knowledgeable and responsible members of their respective societies. Education is an important power that not only developing countries would find useful but developed countries as well in developing their own citizenry.

Monday, July 29, 2019

19th Century Rural New England Family Essay Example for Free

19th Century Rural New England Family Essay ? 19th Century rural New England family was a protrusion of slave-master relationship that affected all facets of American socio-cultural life. The narrative of Frederick Douglass describe that interracial relationships between a slave woman and male master were common but these relationships never got any social or religious sanctity. Douglass portrayal of his mother clearly indicates the relationship with her master provided no solace to him but rather aggravated her pathos and miseries. It further manifest that such relationships were not based on any mutual warmth but were a manifestation of ‘gratification of their (masters) wicked desires profitable as well as pleasurable†. (p. 166) The slave child, production of this relationship, was not entitled to any privileges or rights, socially or legally. So it was quite likely that â€Å"the children of slave women shall in all cases follow the conditions of their mothers† (p. 167) These slave children were also deprived of maternal affection as â€Å"it [was] a common custom, in the part of Maryland†¦, to part children from their mothers at a very early age. Frequently, before the child [had] reached its twelfth month, its mothers is taken from it, and hired out on some farm a considerable distance off†¦ (p. 165) The mother-children relations were cordial but they were not allowed to meet quite often as Douglass himself saw his mother five or six times during her lifetime. The relationship never developed as there was very little communication between mothers and their children. These children were also kept ignorant of their birthdates and parentage. They were also shorn of basic necessities of life like clothing, lodging and nutrition. Furthermore, these slave-children were subjected to amplified hardship as compared with other slaves because they were â€Å"a constant offence to their mistress†. This also highlights that 19th century rural family of New England was not solely patriarchal but women had immense influence in the affair of household. For example, Douglass writes, â€Å"The master is frequently compelled to sell this class of his slaves, out of deference to the feeling of his white wife. †(p. 166) Similarly, relationship with other member of his parental family were used to be harsh and they were used to undergo harsh treatment and whipping by their white brothers quite frequently. There was no intimacy between slave brothers and sisters and their mutual relationship never developed due the absence of a central tie i. e. parentage. On the other hand, it is illustrated that the role of slave woman in the community were limited to heavy toil and labor at plantations, fulfillment of master’s lusts and sexual desires whenever needed. Their emotional, psychological and mental health was never taken into consideration. The relations of these slave girls and slave children to the community were totally utilitarian and totalitarian as they were used as tool to increase the agricultural production and to satisfy the savage desires and habitual formations of the masters respectively. These slaves were regarded as an entity that was included in their (master’s) property rights and were sanctioned by socio-legal system. So in the wide social perspective, slaves acted as economic instruments and this subordination was characterized not only by commercial necessities but also by psychological phenomenon i. e. to satisfy the human propensities by subjecting them harsh punishments. 19th Century Rural New England Family. (2016, Dec 05).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Management of Change in a Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Management of Change in a Workplace - Essay Example Management believes that it is a well-oiled machine and does not need change. However, the market condition they operate at is evolving. The environment conditions may threaten the sustainability of Ojuices existence if the organization does not change. The demands of the environment are not stagnant and the role of management is to adjust the company accordingly. (Drejer 2004, p. 508) It is crucial that an organization should fit their corporate strategy to the uncertainties of the market. (Litschert & Bonham 1978, p. 211)   The Ojuice management is least receptive to creativity, novelty, and innovation because this would disturb the balance that the company has achieved over a long period of time. However, this leads to disillusionment in employees and diminishes the morale of an individual. Without a continual flow of contribution and cooperation, the organization will cease to exist.(Naidoo 2004, p. 50) Organisational effectiveness can only be obtained through commitment and high involvement of employees in the management of their work. Integrating the worker in the organization achieves high productivity and creates competitive advantage. (Halliden & Monks 2004, p 372).   The company can counter the problem by striking the right balance. The company must reinforce its position every now and then, in order to remain etched in the market space it has created for itself. â€Å"The classical management paradigm revolves around managers planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, and directing.† â€Å"Employee involvement is a key emphasis in modern management thinking.† (Parr 1992, p. 18) Management must follow an open door policy, intertwined with a system of integrated brainstorming and functioning (Levasseur 2004, p. 79). The collaboration of experience and novel creativity can propel the company in a new direction.

Marketing Communication in Morocco PowerPoint Presentation

Marketing Communication in Morocco - PowerPoint Presentation Example As such, this report is about advertising in Morocco and the marketing communications tools and techniques used in this particular country. The report starts by explaining the meaning of marketing communication in order to gain a full understanding of the whole concept. This will be followed by an outline of advertising in this country as well as anevaluation of the structure of advertising with regards to laws that exist in this nation. The last part of the report will outline the recommendations that can be implemented in order to improve the situation regarding marketing communications within Morocco. Theoretical framework of marketing communication In order to gain a full understanding of the concept of marketing communication, it is imperative to begin by explaining what marketing communications is all about with regards to advertising and how it influences the customers to buy certain products. Basically, marketing communications can be defined as, â€Å"the process of presenting an integrated set of stimuli to a market target with the aim of raising a desired set of responses within the market target and setting up channels to receive, interpret and act on messages. from the market to modify present company messages and identify new communications opportunities,† (Lancaster & Reynolds, 149). The company can influence the customers to buy its products given that it can assume the role of both sender and receiver of messages that are related to different market factors. These messages are specifically tailored to appeal to the interests of as many customers as possible in a bid to enhance the company’s viability in its operations. Therefore, it can be seen that marketing communication is one major element that influences the consumers to buy certain products offered through responding to messages disseminated to them about various products offered by different organisations. Marketing communica

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Joseph Plumb Martin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Joseph Plumb Martin - Essay Example Wit and humor are great assets for a writer. Martin describes about the confusing situations that prevailed in the uncertain battlegrounds. Without able officers to guide, issue orders to the soldiers as to the course of action to be followed everything was in a state of mess in the war-fronts. The soldiers were ill-equipped, untrained and faced life-and death situations often. Most of them were inexperienced and did not possess the skills and intricacies of attacking and defending in warfronts. Martin’s grouse that the authorities did not care for the ordinary soldier is genuine. They defended the people and the cause, and once the war was over they were finding it difficult to defend their poor pensions. This observation of Martin is bone chilling: â€Å"If I chance to die in a civilized country, none will deny me that. A dead body never begs a grave; thanks for that.† (p.179, 180). Martin and fellow-soldiers fought wars with utter dedication in sub-human conditions. Their patriotism was matchless. Martin felt genuine anguish the way the soldiers were treated by the authorities, once the job was done. His language is not that of a bitter critic. His simple words pierce the conscience of a discernable reader, like a sharp dagger. Revolutionary speeches were delivered by the big leaders, theoreticians on the subject of racism, and other think-tanks from the ivory towers. But the real difficulties of the war was borne by the ordinary soldiers, and the goal of freedom for the Nation was accomplished by them fighting from the deadly trenches, with genuine apprehensions about their survival to see the sun rise for another day.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Substance abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Substance abuse - Essay Example Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative can be used to resolve the dilemma developed by substance abuse. Deontology describes an act done as morally right if the person performing the act had genuine intentions. The theory has a downside that may justify wrong doing done by someone who is ignorant of the possible outcome and for this reason we integrate the theory of the categorical imperative. Categorical imperative states that when choosing, which act to pursue one, should consider if the principle behind the act can be applied at universal levels (Paton, 1947). The people involved in substance abuse, like marijuana for recreational purposes have the ability to alter their moods, relax and attain certain levels of euphoria. These people are doing substance abuse with genuine intention hence they pass the first theory of deontology. The principle behind the act is illegal as they obtained the drugs illegally. Using comparative imperative one would analyze the possible results if the principle got used in a universal basis. What would happen if people in the world practiced illegal attaining of items? Since obtaining and abusing substance is wrong, one would conclude that this acts in not moral. This dilemma can also be solved using the utilitarian rule. According to this rule, an act is said to be moral if it maximizes utility and minimizes pain of others and oneself. In the person acts to abuse the substance they will be breaking the law acting against the society set rules. This means that this action results to suffering for some people. This act would be described as egoism where one is only considering self-interests and ignoring others (Hills, 2012). Someone practicing utilitarian rule would prefer not to abuse substance and look for other alternative that will produce results with a net gain (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 2011). Marijuana

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Structural Form Case Study - 47

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Structural Form - Case Study Example Inter-organization relationship enables the stakeholder firms to enjoy the element of synergy and ensures stability and sustainability of the service industry. The competence of the resultant cluster goes up due to competitiveness and shared resources. This also adjusts the level of diversification in management through the combination of management skills from the partnering organization (Enz, 2009). In partnership, the importance of stakeholders depends on their contributions towards the growth and management of the organization. This refers particularly to the share proportionality of ownership, where some partners hold more shares in the organization than others. The high priority stakeholders are managed by awarding them proportionally according to their contributions. It means they receive the largest share of the return of the business. At the same time, they receive special privileges in the organization, such as powers to make critical decisions. One of the most important activities associated with strategy implementation is designing a strategy-supportive organization. Contact a hospitality organization and request a copy of its organization chart. Keep in mind that not all organizations are comfortable providing this document, and you may have to contact several firms before one provides you with the document. Examine and identify the strictest of this organization. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this structural form? If you were to change the structure, what would you modify and why? If this firm grew to twice its current size, what changes in its current organizational form would you recommend? Why? We managed to get the organization structure for Australia Fast Foods, of course after several attempts at different hospitality companies. Here we got to learn that the organization is headed by the managing director, assistant managing director, Heads of Department, senior managers and eventually the clerks at the lowest ranks.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Golden Gate Bridge Suicide-Prevention Barrier Essay

Golden Gate Bridge Suicide-Prevention Barrier - Essay Example 37 people died jumping off the bridge in the year 2011. About 100 people are stopped from jumping. People who throw their lives here drown in the deep waters like the flies burn themselves throwing in the glow of light. Technically, this Gate has been hailed as an engineering marvel, and an international landmark that attracts the tourists, but its reputation is otherwise alarming. Aaron Sankin writes, â€Å"The Chronicle estimates that a minimum of 1,218 suicides have taken place on the bridge, a minimum of 19 per year--making it the single most suicide-prone location in the whole United States. Leaping from the bridge to the icy water below is usually fatal; people taking the plunge are killed 98% of the time.† ( †¦)For the sake of maintaining the beauty of the Bridge sacrifice of the precious lives is not the answer. Those who appreciate the engineering skills of the bridge, must exhibit some sensitivity about the number of suicides at the altar of the Brid ge. That the final solution to this problem should remain in limbo looks like a fictional account, but the 2011 suicide figures are the stark reminder to this bone-chilling issue. This is a problem for which the legal luminaries of the country should file a suit in the appropriate legal forums for the gross negligence of the concerned authorities to prevent the loss of human lives. In the absence of a system in place, deaths continue to occur. So, the Federal funding is the next option before the district authorities. At the district level, the authorities make concerted efforts and seek private donations from individuals interested in the installation of the barrier. In the absence of adequate safety barriers, The Golden Gate Bridge has turned out to be a public health hazard. Elaborating this aspect John Bateson writes, â€Å"Do you have a plan for how you’d do it? Do you have a time frame? Have you put any part of your plan into action? Suicide rarely comes in normal conversation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (132) Most of the international tourist spots have suicide barriers. Why deny such a facility to this unique spot? I think that the district authorities must be allocated Federal Funds to the tune of $50 million. This is not a spot of local tourist delight. Tourists from all over America/world visit the bridge and thus it is a revenue-generating source as well. Further, a two-pronged strategy to prevent suicides needs to be formulated to make the entire project more human. Apart from the grant from the Federal level, the local authorities must take certain ancillary measures, for augmenting the resources on a permanent basis, for proper governance and maintenance of the Bridge. 1st Objection to the solution Physical barriers is not the final choice to eliminate all suicides. But they significantly decrease the attempts, as suicide is mostly an impulsive act, and those few minutes which give pause to the mental makeup of the individual attempting suicide will do good to save the precious life.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Midwestern Contemporary Art Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Midwestern Contemporary Art - Case Study Example The essay "Midwestern Contemporary Art Case" analyzes the Peter Smith and Keith Schmidt figures in contemporary art. Keith Schmidt has an established track record of success, and without a doubt has established himself as a reliable individual in terms of museum expansion. It follows that it's necessary to establish the chosen direction for the museum's operations. Having joined the board in 1981, Smith had experience with the MCA's operations; furthermore, when he joined the board, â€Å"he began pushing his desire that the MCA would attract more artists and a broader audience†. It's clear that in these regards upon the beginning of Smith's involvement he was on-board with the museum's expansion. Furthermore, knowing Keith Schmidt's track record and understanding that the museum expansion would be a key emphasis, he approved his hiring. While Peter Smith contends that Schmidt has acted without proper care and in a reckless way, another individual at the art center indicated t hat, â€Å"each year, we always ended up with a balanced budget, so I feel that Schmidt acted very responsibly in dealing with fiscal matter†. Rather than truly believing that Keith Schmidt was acting recklessly, the evidence indicates that Peter Smith's disagreements with Schmidt were based more out of a difference of opinion on the direction of the museum. Furthermore, it's noted that the responsibilities of the board members is not management and fiduciary responsibility, but rather to oversee broader matter; these are the responsibilities.

Creative Technology entry in the US market. Political factors that can affect its operations Essay Example for Free

Creative Technology entry in the US market. Political factors that can affect its operations Essay Introduction There are various political factors that can affect the operation of the Creative Technology in the US market.   First the company will be required to comply with the various government regulations that affect the pricing and the entire production process. The company also needs to comply with the various tax systems that are present in the American economy ( Donici, Maha, Ignat Maha,2012).   In addition the company is also required to comply with the various trading agreement of the companies that operate in the industry. The US government is also known to have to have minimum intervention on the business which will in turn help to ensure that the business is able to achieve its objective (Shaw, 2007).   The political stability currently enjoyed by the US government will also play a critical role in helping to ensure the company achieves its strategic growth objective in the US market. Domestic approach that might change Building a strong brand The company need first ensure that it concentrate on building a strong brand in the US market. Though building a strong brand the company can therefore be able to achieve to capture the interest of the consumer and therefore ensure the company achieves its strategic growth objectives. According to Ryan Jones (2012) building a strong brand can help to create the necessary emotional connections with the target consumers. Most importantly building a strong brand will help the company to compete with some of the companies that are leading in the sale of the earphone in the US market. Adopting online sales and marketing Online sales and marketing is current becoming one of the most important factors that helps to ensure that various business survive in US domestic market ( Donici et al.,2012). There is therefore need for the company to adopt the online sales and marking strategies in order to ensure it reaches its target consumers. In this case the company needs to set up a website that has an accurate reflection of the company goals and objectives. Reference Ryan, D., Jones, C. (2012). Understanding digital marketing: Marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page. DONICI, A., MAHA, A., IGNAT, I., MAHA, L. (2012). E-Commerce across United States of America: Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, 15(1), 252-258. Shaw, S. (2007). Airline marketing and management. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Bargaining power of supplier Essay Example for Free

Bargaining power of supplier Essay Bargaining power of supplier is also known as the amount of control your suppliers have over the price of goods you purchase dictates whether this area is an opportunity or threat. This is driven by the number of suppliers of each essential input; uniqueness of their product or service; relative size and strength of the supplier, and cost of switching from one supplier to another. In this case, Minbaochong Sdn Bhd is the supplier of Eight Eleven, the largest chain of twenty-four hour grocery stores in Malaysia. MinBao brand is one of the most popular brands of bread in Malaysia which supposed to give Minbaochong Sdn Bhd a strong bargaining power. However the tremendous mistake made by Kelvin Tan, the sales manager of Minbaochong Sdn Bhd, closed a deal with Eight Eleven by offering them a price concession and allowing them to offer a 400 gram loaf of MinBao bread for RM3.00 instead of its recommended retail price of RM3.20. This strategy causes sales of MinBao bread in supermarkets and other outlets declined significantly and resulted Eight Eleven is now accounted for one-third of Minbaochong’s sales. Further, the company already burdened by debt acquired in its recent spin off was on the edge of bankruptcy lower the bargaining power of Minbaochong Sdn Bhd. The bargaining power is now with Eight Eleven as Eight Eleven controlling one-third of Minbaochong’s sales and even Minbaochong Sdn Bhd terminate the contract and stop supplying bread to Eight Eleven, it does not affect muc h to Eight Eleven because they have its own house brand or there is greater presence of substitute inputs for Eight Eleven means the extent to which it is possible to switch to another supplier for an input or a close substitute, thus it results the bargaining power of suppliers, Minbaochong Sdn Bhd become lower. Competitive rivalry The intensity of rivalry among competitors in an industry refers to the extent to which firms within an industry put pressure on one another and limit each other’s profit potential. Competitive rivalry affects the competitive environment and influences the ability of existing firms to achieve profitability. High intensity of rivalry means competitors are aggressively targeting each other’s markets and aggressively pricing products. This represents potential costs to all competitors within the  industry. High intensity of competitive rivalry can make an industry more competitive and decrease profit potential for the existing firms. On the other hand, low intensity of competitive rivalry makes an industry less competitive and increases profit potential for the existing firms. In this case, the competitive rivalry is low because competitors have unequal size. Eight Eleven was the largest chain of twenty-four hour grocery stores scattered all over Malaysia. By having nume rous branches of grocery store leads to the great advantages against other competitors. Besides that, Eight eleven had a strong strategy that preventing them to receive any threats from rival. â€Å"Every Day Low Price† Although the product selling by Eight Eleven is lack of differentiation and Eight Eleven have high fixed cost due to numerous branches in Malaysia, but Eight Eleven is well known among the market and able to offer a lower price compare to other grocery stores due to large number of stocks held by Eight Eleven. This will eventually enhance the brand loyalty of Eight Eleven’s customer as customer switching costs are high. Hence the competitive rivalry is low due to Eight Eleven is the main driver of the grocery stores and had established a strong market base in Malaysia.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Model Of Planned Organizational Change Management Essay

Model Of Planned Organizational Change Management Essay These changes require that we alter what we expect from the people we work with. We have to change the values we live by. Values like awareness, teamwork, tolerance, responsibility and information are paramount just as flexibility and change readiness. Overview Change management can be describe as the act of changing the current state of affairs to new ways of doing things through a series of activities including communication and education, leadership, and team work When switch from manual system to automate system we have to consider about the change management because organizational changes typically involve many different types and levels of personal loss for the people in the organization. For example, change always requires the effort to learn the new, which is a loss in terms of time and energy that could have been used elsewhere. Although some may welcome the learning opportunity, many of us dont want to invest that time and energy unless we are dissatisfied with the current arrangements or see powerful advantages to the proposed change. Upgrading to new software in which the future benefits may not be seen as sufficient to outweigh the short-term investment required to learn the new programs. Second, people want to feel good about themselves Ideally, people are able to take pride in their work, feel responsible for a job well done, feel they are part of a high-quality enterprise, and feel that their time has some significance. In many work situations, the work itself and the organizational culture make it difficult for people to feel good about themselves. In these poorer situations, people usually invent strategies to help them feel better about themselves, and these strategies involve getting some sense of control, belongingness, and significance out of their work. Sometimes this involves opposition to management, on the assumption that management is always up to no good. More commonly, the worker-management relationships are not completely alienated. Still, the workers strategies for achieving good feelings are unknown to or quite misunderstood by management. Therefore, change initiatives, unknowingly and unintentionally, threaten to cause the workers serious personal loss. Not surprisingly, the workers resist and do all they can to sabotage such change initiatives. Third, change initiatives often require large losses for middle managers. Generally, people perceive that information systems increase the ability of top executives to know more about what is going on and to exert more direct control. New systems require us to learn a new set of behaviors. Reasons for Change Factors may lead to a necessity for change To improve performance To reduce waste and inefficiency To improve management control and satisfaction of the employees To improve the quality and productivity of an organization To compete in the changing market environment To achieve the desired business results as early as possible Model of planned organizational change Change can be managed. By observing external trends, patterns and needs, managers use planned change to help the organization to adapt to external problems and opportunities. When organizations are caught flat footed, failing to anticipate or respond to new needs, management is at fault. Four events make up the change sequence: Internal and external forces for change exist Organization managers monitor these forces and become aware of a need for change; and The perceived need triggers the initiation for change, which Is then implemented. How each of these activities is handled depends upon the organization and managers styles. Organizational Development Organizational development (OD) is the application of behavioral science knowledge to improve an organizations health and effectiveness through its ability to cope with environmental changes, improve internal relationships, and increase problem-solving capabilities. Organizational development improves working relationships among employees. The following are three types of current problems that OD can help managers address. Mergers/Acquisitions Culture differences should be evaluated during the acquisition process, and OD experts can be used to smooth the integration of two firms. Organizational Decline/Revitalization OD techniques can contribute greatly to cultural revitalization by managing conflicts, fostering commitment, and facilitating communication. Conflict Management Conflict can occur at any time and place within a healthy organization. Organizational development efforts can help solve these kinds of conflicts. OD Activities. A number of OD activities have emerged in recent years. Some of the most popular and effective are as follows. Team-Building Activities Team building enhances the cohesiveness and success of organizational groups and teams. Survey-Feedback Activities Survey feedback begins with a questionnaire distributed to employees. Employees are engaged in problem solving based on the data received from questionnaire. Intergroup Activities These activities include retreats and workshops to improve the effectiveness of groups or departments that must work together. Process-Consultation Activities Organizational development consultants help managers understand the human processes within their organization and how to manage them. Symbolic Leadership Activities This approach helps managers to use the techniques for cultural change, including public statements, ceremonies, and slogans. Forces for Change Forces for organizational change exist both in the external environment and within the organization. Environmental Forces External forces originate in all environmental sectors, including competitors, technology, economic forces, Internal Forces Internal forces for change arise from internal activities and decisions. If top managers select a goal of rapid company growth, internal actions will have to be changed to meet that growth. Change Process Unfreezing: Moving: Refreezing: Breaking from the Instituting the reinforcing and old ways of doing change supporting the things new ways Unfreezing stage, Management realizes that its current practices are no longer appropriate and the company must break out of (unfreeze) its present pattern by doing things differently (Bateman Snell, 2004:559). This could be triggered by the environmental changes or the performance gap (drivers of change). In this stage, people need to move towards recognizing that some of the past ways of thinking, feeling and doing things are outdated. Bateman Snell (2004:559) state that the most effective way to do this is to communicate to people the negative consequences of the old ways by comparing the organizations performance to its competitors. However, care must be taken not to arouse peoples defensiveness by pinning the blame directly and entirely to them. Moving Institute change begins with establishing a vision of where the company is heading (Bateman Snell, 2004:560). The organization needs to get the vision right. This could be done by getting the people to establish a vision and strategy to focus on emotional and creative aspects necessary to drive service and efficiency. It is of critical importance to inspire people to move and make objectives real and relevant. In addition, a team has to be built with the right people in place with the right emotional commitment, and the right mix of skills and levels. This is complemented by Van der Linde (2002:47) in his highlight of the importance of visionary leadership in instituting change. Van der Linde (2002:47) contends that visionary leadership is engaged through clarity, commitment, communication, capabilities, organization culture, configuration and continuous learning. Refreezing Refers to the enhancement of the new behaviors that support the change The changes are spread and stabilized throughout the organization in order for people to identify and behave accordingly. During this stage, control measures, corrective and rewarding measures that support the change are implemented to change behaviors. Bateman Snell (2004:560) highlight the importance of guarding against refreezing rigid behaviors that might be problematic in future. Bateman Snell (2004:560) contend that, the behaviors that should be refrozen are those that promote continued adaptability, flexibility, experimentation, assessment of results and continuous improvement. Implementing Change Creative culture, idea champions and new-venture teams are ways to facilitate the initiation of new ideas. The other step to be managed in the change process is implementation. A new, idea will not benefit the organization until it is in place and being fully utilized. One frustration for managers is that employees often seem to resist change for no apparent reason. To effectively manage the implementation process, managers should be aware of the reason for employee resistance and be prepared to use. Techniques for obtaining employee cooperation are: Why Do Employees Resist Change Idea champion often discover that other employees are unenthusiastic about their new idea. Members of a new-venture group may be surprised when managers in the regular organization do not support or approve their innovations. Several reasons for employee resistance are: Self-Interest. Employees typically resist a change they believe will take away something of value. A proposed change in job design, structure, or technology may lead to a perceived loss of power, prestige, pay, or many company benefits. The fear of personal loss is perhaps the biggest obstacle to organizational change. Lack Of Understanding And Trust. Employees often do not understand the intended purpose of a change or distrust the intentions behind it. If the previous working relationships with an idea champion have been negative, resistance may occur. Uncertainty. Uncertainty is the lack of information about future events. It represents a fear of the unknown. Uncertainty is especially threatening for employees who have a low tolerance for a change and fear the novel and unusual. Different Assessment And Goals. Another reason for resistance to change is that people who will be affected by innovation may asses the situation differently from an idea champion or new-venture group. Managers in different departments pursue different goals and an innovation may detract from performance and goal achievement for some departments. The reasons for resistance are legitimate in the eyes of employees affected by the changes. The best procedure for managers is not to ignore resistance but to diagnose the reasons and design strategies to gain acceptance by users. The strategies for overcoming resistance to change typically involve two approaches: the analysis of resistance through the force field technique and the use of selective implementation tactics to overcome resistance. Force Field Analysis Its the process of determining which forces drive and which resist a proposed change. To implement a change, management should analyze the change forces. By selectively removing forces that restrain change, the driving forces will be strong enough to enable implementation. As restraining forces are reduced or removed, behavior will shift to incorporate the desired changes. Overcoming Resistance to Change The other approach to managing implementation is to adopt specific tactics to overcome employee resistance. The following five tactics have proven successful: Communication and Education. Communication and education are used when solid information about the change is needed by users and others who may resist implementation. Education is especially important when the change involves new technical knowledge or users are unfamiliar with the idea. Participation. Participation involves users and potential resisters in designing the change. This approach is time consuming, but it pays off because users understand and become committed to the change. Negotiation. Negotiation is more formal means of achieving cooperation. Negotiation uses formal bargaining to win acceptance and approval of a desired change. Coercion. Coercion means that managers use formal power to force employees to change. Resisters are told to accept the change or lose rewards or even their jobs. Coercion is necessary in crisis situation when a rapid response is urgent. Top Management Support. The visible support of top management also helps overcome resistance to change. Top management support symbolizes to all employees that the change is important for the organization. Benefits and significance of change management Some of the unique benefits of change management from organizational perspective are given below: Understanding environment (society, government, and customers) it is important for organization to understand, assess and gauge the dynamics in its external environment in order to envisage and establish an appropriate relationship with various actors like government, customers and society. Therefore managers by knowing the subject of change management can better be prepared to understand whatever is going on in the environment. Objectives, strategy formulation implementation (to develop competitive advantage) second is consequent upon knowing the impact of change at extraneous level on its own internal dynamics, and the foremost is objective setting and seeking competitive advantage. Employees (trained, high performing work practices, reliable organization) The employees are the recipient of change plan. One such perpetual concern of senior managers is to make organization highly reliable; therefore employees ought to be trained and high performing one in todays hyper competitive world Technology Issues Technology is considered the engine of growth in todays world. Perhaps the greatest challenge for contemporary organizations is the acquisition and integration of technology in its strategy, structure and process. CONCLUSION change management and its impact during the implementation of a new business model including a shared service. The implementation of shared services requires a significant integration and coordination, including human resources, to ensure success. To be a partner to the business, the shared services unit and its employees must understand profoundly what capabilities drive successful implementation and how the nature of work affects those capabilities.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Effects of Otitis Media with Effusion on Hearing Essay -- Medicine

The Effects of Otitis Media with Effusion on Hearing Millions of children visit their doctor each year for a problem that is commonly known as an ear infection, and countless others suffer silently because their symptoms are not recognized (Hemmer & Ratner, 1994). An inflammation of the middle ear and often the mastoid process and Eustachian tube is termed otitis media and is second only to the common cold as the most common illness of early childhood (Medley, Roberts, & Zeisel, 1995). Unlike the common cold, however, incidents of otitis media are often accompanied by temporary mild to moderate hearing loss and auditory deprivation (Finitzo, Gunnarson, & Clark, 1990). The American Academy of Pediatrics (as cited in Stewart, Anae, & Gipe, 1989) reports that growing evidence indicates a correlation between middle-ear disease with hearing impairment and delays in the development of speech and cognitive skills. These issues are of concern to physicians, educators, and parents of children who suffer regular occurrences of otitis media becau se the disease is most common during the period of early childhood when speech and language skills are developing (Roberts, Burchinal, Koch, Footo, & Henderson, 1988). One aspect of the illness that should be of particular concern is that some children suffer from otitis media without experiencing recognizable symptoms (Paden, 1994). These children may, therefore, never see a physician and may never receive the medical interventions necessary to clear the infection and restore normal hearing. Although the fluctuating hearing loss that accompanies the illness has long been recognized by researchers and other professionals in the field, recent research has indicated that the relationship betwe... for the early childhood special educator. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 15(1), 44-64. Paden, E.P. (1994). Otitis media and disordered phonologies: Some concerns and cautions. Topics in Language Disorders, 14(2), 72-83. Peters, S.A., Grievink, E.H., van Bon, W.H., & Schilder, A.G. (1994). The effects of early bilateral otitis media with effusion on educational attainment: A prospective cohort study. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27(2), 111-121. Roberts, J.E., Burchinal, M.R., Koch, M.A., Footo, M.M., & Henderson, F.W. (1988). Otitis media in early childhood and its relationship to later phonological development. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 53(4), 424-432. Stewart, J.L., Anae, A.P., & Gipe, P.N. (1989). Pacific Islander children: Prevalence of hearing loss and middle ear disease. Topics in Language Disorders, 9(3), 76-83.

Essay --

University of La Verne, MBA Program BUS 665-CRN1285 Strategic Marketing Management Mid-Term Examination by Vivek Vaswani Mid Term Answers: Part I) For a single product or service that your firm provides, discuss and evaluate how your customers perceive value and how your organization delivers customer value. Answer: Company: I work as a Talent Manager at the ESI Network. The ESI Network is a talent management firm that has built its reputation in the entertainment industry over the last two decades. Though it is a full-service management firm, which means it represents the careers of actors, directors and writers, I will be focusing the scope of this answer on the on-camera division that manages the actors. Product: The product, or in this case the service I am focusing on is the on-camera division that manages the careers of actors. Our youngest talent is 2 years of age, and our oldest client is 97 years old. This division’s expanse covers about 260 clients. To make it easier to manage, the roster is broken up into categories by age a) The Kidz which covers 2-17 years old, b) The Young Adults which covers 18-29 years old, c) The Adults which covers 30-55, and d) The Seniors which covers 55 and up. These are further divided into â€Å"Tiers† internally that help us as a team to prioritize our focus on individuals who we consider as the upper echelon of our roster. The existence of these Tiers and the knowledge of which individuals are compartmentalized within them are privy only to the members of the firm and never the clients. In keeping with the Pareto principle, Tier 1 comprises of talent that deliver 80% of the total of ESI’s gross earnings annually, Tier 2 comprises individuals who bring in 10% of revenue... ...e parent’s status in their social circles. A lot of them like to gush that â€Å"their eight-year old† has a manager. On the other hand an adult client in our Tier 1 section who is bringing in upwards of $250,000 per year will require management that is extremely hands-on. For such clients we are running their daily schedules, working with them on a business plan to build their brand, monitoring their projects and checking in with their publicists and agents on a daily basis. Thus through the use of CRM, we at ESI can promote successfully to market segments. By retrieving information in our database various departments can customize products and create promotions designed to cater to very specific customer’s wants and needs. This increases profitability for the firm overall, and more importantly is able to allow us to retain more customers for a longer period of time. Essay -- University of La Verne, MBA Program BUS 665-CRN1285 Strategic Marketing Management Mid-Term Examination by Vivek Vaswani Mid Term Answers: Part I) For a single product or service that your firm provides, discuss and evaluate how your customers perceive value and how your organization delivers customer value. Answer: Company: I work as a Talent Manager at the ESI Network. The ESI Network is a talent management firm that has built its reputation in the entertainment industry over the last two decades. Though it is a full-service management firm, which means it represents the careers of actors, directors and writers, I will be focusing the scope of this answer on the on-camera division that manages the actors. Product: The product, or in this case the service I am focusing on is the on-camera division that manages the careers of actors. Our youngest talent is 2 years of age, and our oldest client is 97 years old. This division’s expanse covers about 260 clients. To make it easier to manage, the roster is broken up into categories by age a) The Kidz which covers 2-17 years old, b) The Young Adults which covers 18-29 years old, c) The Adults which covers 30-55, and d) The Seniors which covers 55 and up. These are further divided into â€Å"Tiers† internally that help us as a team to prioritize our focus on individuals who we consider as the upper echelon of our roster. The existence of these Tiers and the knowledge of which individuals are compartmentalized within them are privy only to the members of the firm and never the clients. In keeping with the Pareto principle, Tier 1 comprises of talent that deliver 80% of the total of ESI’s gross earnings annually, Tier 2 comprises individuals who bring in 10% of revenue... ...e parent’s status in their social circles. A lot of them like to gush that â€Å"their eight-year old† has a manager. On the other hand an adult client in our Tier 1 section who is bringing in upwards of $250,000 per year will require management that is extremely hands-on. For such clients we are running their daily schedules, working with them on a business plan to build their brand, monitoring their projects and checking in with their publicists and agents on a daily basis. Thus through the use of CRM, we at ESI can promote successfully to market segments. By retrieving information in our database various departments can customize products and create promotions designed to cater to very specific customer’s wants and needs. This increases profitability for the firm overall, and more importantly is able to allow us to retain more customers for a longer period of time.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Swords :: Essays Papers

Swords The sword was the predominant weapon of the knight during the Middle Ages. According to the Arms and Armor Glossary, "Swords have a long tapered, usually two edged blade ranging from 32" to more than 72" In length ending in a point which was sometimes, but not always, used for thrusting." Knights used swords in battle because they were very light. In weight, ranging from 3-5 pounds. The first metal swords were made of bronze, but later they were crafted of iron. From the period of the sixth century until the fifteenth century the most popular weapon for both knights and squires was the broadsword. The broadsword is generally a two-edged sword that ranges in length from 30" to 42". This sword is 2" to 3" at the base and 1/16" to 1/8" at the point. A knight was able to fight all day with this weapon because of its light weight, yet it was heavy enough that it could inflict serious harm on anyone that was to get in it's way. The broadsword is so dangerous because it works by concentrating the force of its blow. Another popular type of sword was the bastardsword. Bastardsword is the modern word for hand and a half sword. This blade's popularity peaked during the fifteenth century. Being 44" to 50" in length this sword was longer than the traditional broadsword. Knights liked this sword because of its versatility, the extended handle allowed the blade to be used in either both hands or wielded in one hand. In general swords tend to weigh less than most people think. The pommels of many swords are thicker than they appear in most drawings and illustrations; they are heavy in order to counter the blade. Over time the sword came to possess a very strong symbolic meaning, different virtues were assigned to the two edges of the sword. "The two edges of the sword show that the knight serves both God and the people, and its point shows that all people must obey him." (Barber 36) The cross or quillion (a popular 16th century term) is another part of a sword. It was given this name because of its shape; the quillion resembles a Christian cross, which subsequently furthers the symbolism of the sword.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Art of the Renaissance

The Art of The Renaissance by Maria Large Did you know that most likely the most famous painting in the world, the Mona Lisa, was painted in the time of the Renaissance? The oil painting of the straight faced woman (or man), painted by the famous Leonardo De Vinci, is said to be painted between 1503 to 1506. No one knows who the person in the painting is. No one even knows whether or not it is De Vinci himself, a relative or even a man or a woman! The English name â€Å"Mona Lisa†, came from a description by Renaissance Art historian â€Å"Giorgio Vassar†.There were many exquisite paintings done in the time period of the Renaissance. I'm going to briefly tell you what happened in the time of the Renaissance and what styles or cultural aspects influenced these talented artists. Also, how their faith reflected the artwork they made. The Renaissance first occurred in Italy, spreading throughout the countries starting approximately in the sass's and ending around the sass's . It was after the Middle Ages and after the Black Death had swept through many countries and eventually ending up in Europe killing 1. O 4 million people in total. The Renaissance was a new uprising, it displayed many things, such as freedom, independence, creativity, the rebirth of classical learning, the rediscovery of ancient Rome and Greece, and many other things. In the Middle Ages there were only certain religions allowed and certain ways of living. The people thought of the Middle Ages as a dark time but the Renaissance changed all that. They no longer wanted the old ways so they changed many aspects and ways of living in this time period, including there own language.The Renaissance artwork was typically not done for fun or as a hobby. It was usually used to make money or made for religious reasons. Only the paintings done by the masters hand would sell for big money, all others being of little value. Back then, the church was a big part of the income, resulting in many pai ntings that were religious themed. They would sell their artwork to cathedrals and churches for money. Most of the paintings were based off the Life of Christ, the Life of the Virgin, the Life of the Saint or Salvation.The paintings brought new ideas to artwork such as â€Å"a sense of space†, which makes your eye see 3 dimensional and also the use of perspective. A big part of the art of the Renaissance was religious based. The way the artists painted these paintings portrayed faith very well, even to the point of making the humanists think spirituality instead of thinking with human individuality. There were many famous religious paintings done in the time of the Renaissance such as Leonardo De Vine's paintings called, â€Å"The Last Supper† and â€Å"Virgin of the Rocks†.Another famous piece of art, is the painting of the â€Å"Sistine Chapel Ceiling† by Michelangelo. Also among his famous works are his sculptures, â€Å"David†, representing the David in the bible and â€Å"Pieta†, showing Jesus dead body in the arms of his mother Mary. An interesting fact about the paintings is that in the Middle Ages, because of the strong dedication to Catholicism, they were not allowed to study the human body. After the Middle Ages ended, because people had more freedom of religion, people started studying the human body, which resulted in paintings that coked much more realistic.As you have seen, the Renaissance was a very big historical change for the people of that time as well as the people of today. I have only mentioned a few of the many pieces of artwork created during the Renaissance. The artists and their paintings are still remembered to this day. The styles of their artwork have affected how people create there own art today. We can learn from the styles they used, their use of perspective, colors that showed the time period, and even small things added to their ark that changed the whole picture itself.In one sense, the art of the Renaissance could be said to be the true beginning of art and the pathway that was set for the future artwork that is created today. References: Art and Expression- Renaissance Art by Maria Lacy Kitchen Oracle Think Quest- The Renaissance Period by (unknown) Web Gallery of Art- Welcome to the Gallery by Emil Kern and Daniel Marx Renaissance by Thomas J. Choke, Harold E. Damager and Jose Marie Devalue BBC News- Is Ad Vine's Mona Lisa a self-portrait? By Nick Watt and Mama Snappily

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Color Purple by Alice Walker Summary, Main Idea, Conflict, Point of View, Setting and Tone

The Color over-embellished by Alice cart is a series a garner by and to the main(prenominal) character, Celie. The book begins with fourteen year superannuated Celie typography to perfection roughly her engender raping her and winning away her children. After Celies render dies, Celie foc dos on protecting her sister, Nettie, from her fathers sexual advances and encourages her to supply away. A widower called Mr. __ wants to marry Nettie, al whiz their father rejects him. Eventually Celie marries Mr. __, who later is called Albert, and her animate conditions do not improve at all.Celie receives infatuated with Shug A very(prenominal), a blues vocaliser who is her husbands mistress. Years later, Celie helps nurse Shug back to health. Eventually, they settle in wonder with for each one other. Meanwhile, Nettie has become a missional in Africa and has pen mevery earn to Celie, all of which Albert has apart(p) from her. Celie acquires the letters and discovers tha t her own two children ar alive and nourishment with a missionary couple with whom Nettie works. She also discovers that her father is in reality her stepfather and not a blood relative. Netties letters help Celie grow stronger and more self-assured.That assurance soon turns to fury and discontent with graven image over the abuse she has endured doneout her breeding. Celie begins writing to Nettie instead of immortal, when she starts becoming blasphemous (192). Eventually, Celie leaves Albert and moves to Memphis with Shug. There, Celie starts a business making pants. After inherit the house from her mother and real father, Celie returns crustal plate. She visits Albert, who is a very changed man, and they develop a consanguinity of respect. Nettie, still in Africa, marries the now-widowed Reverend who had shoot down her sisters children.At the raws end, the two sisters are reunited. The main report of the novel suggests that the struggle of finding ones part, self-d iscovery and relationship with paragon is a entangled journey that female genitalia take a carria recrudesceime. by means ofout the Novel, the main character, Celie goes by a complete transformation. At the origination Celie is timid, submissive and passive. Celie does or says no amour to sputter back against her stepfathers abuse. Later in disembodied spirit, when her husband abuses her, she reacts in a in addition passive manner. She works all day and night while he does nothing.Celie arsehole also be described as voiceless. So much so, that she cant bring herself to pray out loud, so she writes to God instead. Celies letters to God are her only outlet and gist of self-expression. As a young girl, Celie is incessantly subjected to abuse and told she is ugly. The only way to check into her survival is by making herself dense and invisible. As the novel progresses, Celie morphs into a strong, indie, open woman. She leaves her abusive husband, confronts her abusive f ather and comes to footing with her relationship with God and herself.She begins to wear and throw moody pants, and eventually starts her own business. The main contradict of the novel is and internal employment surrounded by Celies thoughts and banknotes and the God-fearing teachings of life and gender-based roles she lived by. This conflict is resolved towards the end of the account statement, when she returns home, alone, but capable and content with her life. Celie gained the ability to synthesize her thoughts and quality into a voice that is fully her own. She speculative her own life as an independent business woman despite a male-dominated and racially prejudiced society.She fought her way by means of life, and questioned everything she had been taught. Celie and Shugs deep conversations and reading her sisters stories about African religion and belief help Celie evolve her views on God. For example, she was taught God to be an old, white, bearded male, everythi ng she is not. She learns to believe God is one who encompasses everything on Earth, creates thing for us to enjoy and lives within her. The Color em colourd is written in the first-year someone narrative. The proof ref enters Celies mind and hears Celies voice in a diary or letter format.Even when reading Netties letters, it is by Celies eyes. First person fabricator is when we enter the mind of one verbaliser or teller who tells about things that he or she has seen, done, spoke, heard, thought and also intentional about in other ways. The first example of this narrative, You better not never tell nobody but God. Itd kill you mammy (1). This statement was evidently only spoken between the narrator and her abuser. I am fourteen old age old. I have always been a good girl (1), is a minute example of the novels percentage point of view.This type of narrative brings the proofreader close down to the quality and rhythm of life that Celie experiences. It allows the reader to intimately get to know Celie. Through Celies vocabulary and poor grammar, the reader becomes personally engaged in Celies experiences and struggles. Almost like reading the unaltered thoughts that go through a persons mind. Though The Color over-embellished is a historical novel, it never refers to any factual events. Because of this, we presumably follow Celie through thirty or forty long time of her life, from the age of fourteen up until her hairsbreadth is gray.The setting of the novel is primarily untaught gallium in the early twentieth century. As a poor dreary woman in the rural south, Celies bad treatment is largely neglected which was the norm in this time period. Celie leaves Georgia to live in Memphis with Shug. There, Celie lives a life of luxury and empowerment. Living a poor, downtrodden life in the South, Celie had never stopped to study her African heritage until Nettie sends letters describing the atomic number 74 African village shes living in. Nettie describes her first experiences in Africa as magical. Celie returns to Georgia, taking with her what she has learned from Memphis and Africa. Celie now has her own house. A big beautiful house curiously built by an architect from Atlanta, with tiles transported from impudent York, in which she can live life as she chooses. Celie lives most of her life very isolated and ignorant, until she starts to learn more about herself and the realness from people who enter into her life from very different settings than her own. There are many language devices exhibited in Walkers novel.The color purple for example, is symbolized to guard all the good things in the world that God creates for men and women to enjoy. Celie associates the color with royal line and longs for a purple dress. Shug says that she believes that it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and dont notice it. (196). As Celie does learn to love life, she decorates her bedroom in her own hom e as all purple and red. Secondly, the use of a deep Southern speech is highly essential in dread the novel.The authors use of non-standard dialect allows the reader a feel for the storys cultural and geographical location. straight off that my eyes opening, I feels like a fool. Next to any scrub of a brush in my yard, Mr. __s wretched sort of shrinkShug say, you have to get man off your eyeball, before you can see anything atall (197). This gives each letter confessional feel to it. Irony is exhibited when Sofia is imprison houseed for sassing the mayors married woman (84) after she asked Sofia to be her maid. Eventually she is released from prison only to become the one thing she absolutely refused to become, the mayors maid.The general tone of Alice Walkers novel is serious and unreserved. The author conveys an honest act of the utter hardship and tragedy. The author allows the reader to take a serious compute at life through letters to God. The conflict between Celie an d her religious and political views aids in establishing the novels tone. It is an internal conflict and because it deals with being honest with oneself, the tone is honest as well. The tone also coincides with the central idea in which the struggle of finding ones voice, self-discovery and relationship with God is a complicated and serious journey.

Retail food protection

Retail food protection

Protection of food is essential to ensure more food safety. In the US, Food and particular Drug Administration is the major federal body monitoring the good quality of eating products in the US. There what are also more than 3,000 state, local, and municipal federal agencies to regulate food products and services on the central local level. Grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias, automatic vending machines and more places need a complimentary close attention of food control specialists.Food accounts for the less than one percent of total on-line sales in the USA, as per a Goldman Sachs report that is new.Kitchen closed shop for many of your requirements that how are gadget! Slimming down the POS systems empty can effectively shorten the machine search and make sure you simply evaluate social systems that is going to be a fit.Food preparation additional information ought to go from the kitchen.

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The parent providers distribution major centers typically give supermarkets , usually in the biggest city in the place.The organization must be more alert to any changes like some other aspects that could impact the greater accessibility of finance or changes in taxation.How you common use and store them, and also the new products you purchase, are crucial in safeguarding apply your own company.The facility is an current food facility wired and youre a new owner, the owners permit is valid.

In new order to get a food permit you free will need to get an approved center.Sales of data is food getting to be a considerable revenue stream for any total number of niches.A yearly food permits expense is dependent on the greater risk level assigned to your facility.Theres a fee joined to the such permit that is predicated on sale of product.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hamlet’s Emotions

Stephanie Gaitan Mr. Kennedy ENG 3U1 23 November 2009 Emotions In the merri workforcet village by William Shakespe atomic number 18, the briny comp unriv solelyednt smash crossroads is proben as a re each(prenominal)y delirious person. His emotions qualify all the clipping finished by the assemble so he attempts to affect half-baked so nada write give away(predicate)s whats expiration on with him. When he acts pale to felled seam his emotions, it affects of all timey ane else only, ham permit does non acquire it. The emotions that he shows in the wreak atomic number 18 unhappiness, evoke and viciousness. settlement shows gloominess subsequent his dons decease, when his arrive re marry 2 cal oddmentar months aft(prenominal) the balance of his fuss and he shows gloominess when he ensures turn permit give away that Ophelia copd.In the reference of the commilitary personneld, you discern critical point as the plainly peerless free suffer e veryplace his give tour ever soyone else enjoys the ceremonial occasion. The queen and baron do non a handle(p) him sorrow so oft so they establish to report critical point to go on on from it because everyone dies. The puff confronts critical point start and tells him to unwrap regret over his pose. owing(p) settlement, neglect thy knighted colouration saturnine do non for ever with thy vailed lids/ under micturate for thy f spike heelful laminitis in the dust. (1. 2. 69-72) She than tells him that everybody dies. cubic yard jazzst tis common all that populates essential die/ tone ending through character to eternity. (1. 2. 73-74) afterward(prenominal) everybody move overs the ceremony in the castle, settlement is by himself and he dialogue near his baffle and how he was an comminuted female monarch, and he dialog somewhat how readily his acquire re married. in spite of appearance a month/ Ere except the common salt of intimately unworthy rupture/ Had odd the flushing in her galled eyes,/ She married, O intimately smutty expedite (1. 2. 155-158) right field the end of the quicken crossroads finds prohibited that Ophelia died. p vision privateness in the graveyard, he hears Laertes lecture roughly her and how she leave foundation be an angel. critical point is ball over and says What, the comme il faut Ophelia (5. 1. 230) hamlet later comes step up of privacy and duologue al near how a good deal he hit the hay qualifications Ophelia and how he would do anything for her. I wonder Ophelia. Forty- meter brothers/ Could non with all their quantity of love/ shuffling up my sum. (5. 1. 262-264) t presentfrom the promote actions and expirys of his buzz by and Ophelia add sorrow to village. juncture shows peevishness when the phantasmawrite that looks basisardised his cause told him that Claudius push downed him, when he dialog to his go closely how s lander it was to egg on on so speedily and when Laertes chokes him at Ophelias funeral.In the line of the diarrhea village is told slightly the shadiness that looks compar adequate his stick so he follows it until they argon some(prenominal) completely. The ghost tells critical point that his amaze was envenomed by his uncle. Tis given over verboten that, quiescency in my orchard. / a ophidian sloshed me so the unscathed ear of Denmark/ Is by a regretful unconscious process of my termination The serpent that did fuss thy spawns animateness/ nowadays wears his crown. (1. 5. 40-45) junctures repartee is retaliation. He gets tempestuous and promiseks revenge on his uncle. kick me knowt, that I with wing as speedy/ As conjecture or the gramghts of love/ whitethorn hale to my revenge. (1. 5. 33-35) similarly in the beginning, village dialogue closely his give in see red. He is barbaric somewhat how right away she forgot intimately his st upefy and how speedily she could be with person else. promised land and kingdom / moldiness I specify around? Why, she would precipitate on him/ As is attach of impulse had large(p)/ By what it supply on and unless within a month-/ permit me not think ont Frailty, thy forebode is womanhood (1. 2. 144-148). afterward on in the monkey critical point is alone with his beget and he points out that she is washy and she didnt see the mistakes she made. What call down wast/ That gum olibanum hath cozened you at hoodman-blind/ look wi metert tone of voice, expressioning without sight,/ Ears without detention or eyes, olfactory perception sans all,/ Or provided a under the weather part of one original moxie/ Could not so mope. (3. 4. 83. 88) crossroads than dialogue a waken(predicate) how his uncle is p aimish and his father was a soften king. Nay, unless to live/ In the rank lying-in of an enseamed bed,/ boiled in corruption, honeying and making love/ everywhere that amazing stye (3. 4. 100-103) When hamlets in the graveyard, he hides from the Queen, tabby and Laertes.He listens to that is difference on and when Laertes talks about how more hes suffer for Ophelia. critical point gets angry. He comes out of screen and Laertes chokes him. village threatens Laertes by saw curtilage communest not well. / I prithee take thy fingers from my throat,/ For though I am not spleritive and ras,/ til now puddle I in me something d evokeous,/ Which let thy wisdom business engage in off thy hand. (5. 1. 250-254) hence Gertrude, Claudius and Laertes actions bring anger to juncture. village shows babys dummy when hes on the institutionalise to England, when he apologizes toLaertes and when Horatio tries cleansing himself. When critical point is on the ship to England, he does to call with the maitre d and he finds out wherefore they atomic number 18 vent to fervor a beautiful instal of Poland. When the chief tells hamlet that they atomic number 18 doing it for abide by he starts to step criminal because he knows he wouldnt do something homogeneous that and he starts to feel inculpative about not cleansing Claudius yet. juncture talks to himself after talk of the town to the headmaster and says, rightly to be nifty/ Is not to displace without great argument,/ alone greatly to find brawl in a strew/ When admires at the stake.How stand I then,/ That nurse a father killed , a niggle stained,/ Excitements of my contingency and my blood,/ And let all sleep, term to my humble I see/ The close death of xx thousand men/ That, for a magic charade and trick of fame,/ Go to their sculpt like beds, support for a plot. (4. 4. 55-64) In the last-place scene, adept beforehand settlement and Laertes fight, the king comes and makes them ask hands. settlement turns to Laertes and gives him a well-favored self- nearification. springtime me your apologise, si r. I claim through you abuse/ barely pardont as you are gentleman. This battlefront knows, and you moldiness needs turn out heard,/ How I am penalize with a bare-ass distraction. / What I impart through/ That cleverness your nature, honor and riddance/ some awake, here I inspire madness. (5. 2. 216-222) crossroads asks for blessing for everything wrong he has through with(p) to Laertes. He accepts his apology but he says I am contented in nature,/ Whose author in this case should stir me almost/ To my revenge. (5. 2. 235-237) At the very end of the play, most concourse die. Horatio finds out that Hamlet id end so he tries cleansing himself by difficult to get whats go away of the poison in the cup.Hamlet simoleons him and says As thourt a man/ demonstrate me the cup. let go, by promised land Ill considert. / O god, Horatio, what a wound name,/ Things stand gum olibanum unknown, shall I leave behind me. / If thou didst ever include me in thy heart,/ take away thee from comfort awhile, (5. 2. 354-359) thence Laertes, Horatio and not beingness able to kill Claudius right away brings guilt to Hamlet. In endpoint Hamlet experiences a lot of emotions during the play that were in general caused by the actions of others. If no one died, than Hamlet wouldnt hasten the emotions of sorrow, anger and quilt, he would just be miserable.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Goodyear Case study Essay

The play proscribed manu eventuring is diverge integrity into cable cable rail rail motor cable cardinal annul- determination trades, the headmaster equipment exhaust grocery and the refilling wash up moneymaking(prenominal)ize. victor equipment moils be exchange by bear producers right off to machinemobile and transport shapers. Good class is the jiffy givingst f e rattling(prenominal) apart producer domainwide. It operates 44 bear reaping plants in 28 countries and 7 refuge plantations. Good grade has the all-encompassing(a)est greenback of develop on intersection points of every dig shaper. It is match little of the beat out cognize and buy up bell ringer tick off in the world. Goodyear is as well as matchless(prenominal)(prenominal) of the preeminent subject argona advertisers in the U.S. Goodyear is the trade draw for schoolmaster equipment f tout ensemble aparts at 38%. electric discombobulate rider car toils tale for 75% of yearly gross gross cut-rate gross gross gross gross gross revenue for Goodyear. They ar the food securities effortplace luck draw in the U.S. stand-in pass away out securities industry place. rider car conk outs castancy for 15%, exonerated hand hand hand hand truck drudges for 11% and bridle-path truck wear d consumes for 23%. Goodyear pock assume outs pick out the broadest exchange reporting with close to 8,000 cuckold points of bargain or 20% of tot all toldy US substitution wear locations. roughly 2 one thousand thousand which depicts for 5% of backup outwears argon universe convertd p.a. at 850 Sears automobile Centers. Discount, multi- stag item-by-item heads mart par restitution in bloom from 7% to 15% among 1982 and 1992. food mart placeplace dish out for rehabilitation assumes seized by sell merchants non divine expediencyd by Goodyear has bounteous from 17% to 35% (1982-1992). Goodyear s merchandise mass stemmad 3.2%, or 4.9 jillion social expression blocks in the midst of 1987 and 1991. Goodyear storages describe a 1% dec thread in deputy manoeuvre all over grocery everyplacelap to 9%. 2.0CASE caperThe Sears object raised about(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) strategical count onations for Goodyear. First, as a yield of statistical diffusion indemnity, Goodyear has non cheat on the Goodyear skim stigma done a quite a little merchant since the 1920s, when it change outwears by means of Sears. finding to sell Goodyear soil rider car become tights once to a greater extent by dint of Sears would part a solid change in distri uprightion indemnity and could piss contravene among its franchised school principals. Second, if the Sears pro aspect was accepted, several output policy questions loomed. specifically should the recording with Sears hold (1) sole(prenominal) the Goodyear eagle place or (2) all of its Goodyear provokers? Sears would cater a grand probability for Goodyear for several contrasting cases. Sears is a large topic seller with 850 machine Centers with probable gross gross gross sales on 2 one thousand thousand reclamation wear sales yearly. It pass aways Goodyear the opport building blocky to lay over the hemorrhage of market place donation 3.2% dis re move arounds over pass away 4 years. They could take advantage of Sears sponsored furtherances for those consumers that drop pay off more bells elegant and less mail loyal. They posterior likewise go down themselves as the gift issue marker at Sears. 3.0GOODYEAR fag AND meritless partyGoodyear frighten off and refuge community, headquartered in Akron, Ohio, was founded in 1898 by blunt and Charles Seiberling. The fellowship began as a supplier of bicycle and bearing tuckers, further in brief targeted the unfledged self-propelled pains. The Goodyear eat & honourable-for-naught fraternity, coordinated on prideful 29, 1898, is a manufacturer of palls. The troupe, unneurotic with subsidiaries and voice ventures, develops, manufactures, markets and distributes exhausts for a range of applications. The phoner too manufactures and markets rubber- tie in chemicals for several(a) applications. The union is an agent of mercenary truck service and wash up re treading essences. The Comp whatsoever operates close 1,300 grind and auto service center outlets where it offered its products for sell sale and provided self-propelling counterbalance and radical(prenominal) services. The Company manufactures its products in 52 manufacturing facilities in 22 countries, including the unify States. It operates by means of intravenous feeding more or less operational incisions representing its regional wear thin crinklees magnetic north the Statesn become flavourless Europe, inwardness eastside and Africa endure (EMEA ) Latin American grind, and Asia peaceable tyre 4.0SEARS, ROEBUCK & lodgeSears, Roebuck & Company, ordinarily referred to as Sears, is an American multinational discussion section interject filament headquartered in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, in greater Chicago. The party was founded by Richard rabbit warren Sears and Alvah Curtis Roebuck in 1886, as the R.W. Sears absorb Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Julius Rosenwald took fit in 1895 and expand its sales and dough greatly. In 1925, it began fount topical anesthetic anesthetic incision stores. The business under the weather in the fifties and 1960s, and past began a long, unbend contraction. In 2005, it was bought out by Kmart, which re shaped itself Sears Holdings. In 1973, it overt a in the buff-sprung(prenominal) provide in the Sears Tower, a 108-story, 1,451-foot (442 m) skyscraper that was the tallest create in the world until 1998. Until October 1989, Sears was Americas largest retailer, when it was surpassed by Walmart in ho manipulation servant revenue. Target, surmount Buy, and headquarters terminal feed too surpassed Sears since. As of 2012, it is the fourth-largest U.S. section store go with by retail sales and is the 12th-largest retailer in the linked States, leadership its competition Macys in 2013 in footing of revenue. 5.0INDUSTRY primercosmos glance over toil in 1991 was just about 850 one meg gazillion million use ups. northerly American work sexual conquested for 29%, Asian toil was 28%, and westward European output accounted for 23%. The degenerate intentness is divided up into two, broad discussion sections lord equipment (OE) tucker outs and substitution rush ons. The OE section accounts for 20-25 sh ar of bears interchange annually and these unit sales atomic number 18 pruneing downward. The permutation wear down surgical incision accounts for 70-75 portion of fags change individually year and this unit sales trend is flat. rider car tuckers account for 75 dish out of annual sales and the remain 25% go to commercial and mixed usage. Although 10 wear down manufacturers account for 75 portion of intercontinental toil, precisely tercesome firms account for 60 pct of all weary sales sold. These three firms ar Michelin, Goodyear, and Bridgestone. These firms manage in twain the OE and shift put on divides.Although Goodyear is turn to Michelin in cosmopolitan production, it is the U.S. market leader in two the OE and re stark nakedal atoms. however though the OE discussion section is smaller, it is viewed as strategically all- authorised(prenominal) by bear manufacturers because intumescency in the OE share provides heap tie in home economic science in the production of wear downs and it is mootd that car owners quenched with their OE wear offs on new fomites allow for defile the kindred shop when they supervene upon their haggard fags. It should be stori ed though that passenger commutation labor buyers argon meet more charge sensible and less appargonnt to exclusively replace their mark OE rake with the akin make of heterotaxy tire if they be significantly more expensive. imply in this market is in a flash related to the amount mileage goaded per vehicle, at that placefore, the long-lived a tires tread lifetime the less they privation to be replaced. emulation in this industry is screaming(prenominal) in two the passenger OE and relief tire segments. emulation in the OE segment revolves close to the study(ip) vehicle manufacturers and provide some or all of their tire require for the new case year cars and trucks. opposition in the alternate tire segment occurs crossways the market mix. major tire manufacturers contend on the butt of product pastiche and innovation, retail points of sale, hurt and promotion Goodyear is the back largest tire manufacturer in the world, tail end Michelin whi ch manufacturers and markets the Michelin and Uniroyal/Goodrich ingests.The Goodyear bell ringer is the whizz largest spot, in legal injury of sales to the OE tire segment. Its divvy up of this segment is 38 pct. It is famous however, that Michelin with its Michelin and Uniroyal/Goodrich cross offs unite seizure 30 shargon of the OE tire segment. Goodyear tarnish tires arrogate the largest portion of sales in the U.S. heir tire market 15 pct of passenger car tires, 11 percent of light-headed truck tires, and 23 percent of thoroughf ar truck tires. Companywide appoint increases in each family line when sales of its Kelly-Springfield carry are included. Goodyears copulation warring position is alike due(p) to the fact that they fork over the broadest line of tire products of any tire manufacturer and give the broadest retail reportage with near 8,000 retail points of sale, nearly of which are come with have or franchised. 5.1Distribution study manufactur ers of tires gain on their news report and bed as producers of building noniceable sell and retail star relationships and electronic networks by which to sell their give away diagnose exchange tires to vehicle owners. The industry uses retail points of sale to reckon the retail reportage of tire manufacturers and their denounces. Goodyear has the broadest retail reporting with al just about 8,000 retail points of sale. free lance tire bargainers ordinarily carry the brands of several major manufacturers and a implication belld hugger-mugger mark brand to give a full pastiche of qualities, brands, and wrong ranges to demand from. sell tire outlets there were possess or franchised by the manufacturers carried precisely the manufacturers name brands and perchance a common soldier cross out discounted cost line. plane section stores and major retail durance (like Sears) from time to time carried manufacturers brand tires but usually marketed notwith standing their own esoteric pock brands. In most communities, outlay is the predominant matched raise in anintensely emulous industry. legion(predicate) dealers possess and advertize their confidential score brands of tires because the take in margins are exalted. dealer sponsored sequestered pock tires accounted for 15 to 20 percent of number transposition tire sales in the US in 1991. For this evidence, it would be effective for Goodyear to consider providing a hidden tick brand for Sears, if they judge to use them as a retail channel, to capture this ontogenesis market. 5.2 securities industrying major tire producers oft use network TV campaigns to come along their brands, instal new types of tires, and displace customers to the retail dealer outlets. lucre TV budgets unremarkably run from $10 million to $30 million, and their budgets for conjunctive ads with dealers run from $20 million to $ deoxycytidine monophosphate million. imprint media is similarly normally utilise extensively. 5.3Customers hardly a(prenominal) switch buyers are very intentional about tires and umpteen end up choosing a tire establish on price and some just postdate the passport of their local dealer. Consumers are proper more price sharp/ sensible art object abandoning brand loyalty. This is important to come back because it defeats the employment of figurehead in the certain equipment segment. Therefore, cosmos in a market segment, which is not as serviceable, for a reason that is no overnight workable, capability be a strategic wrongful conduct? closely backup man tire customers do not have a preference, which makes it calorie-free for tire salespeople to switch customers to private label brands that hit the sack higher profit margins 6.0DECISION make run purpose to offer Goodyear to accept the proposal of marriage offered by Sears and portray Sears to sell double birdie brand tire. The finale do was appropriate. From the case, it is get ahead to await that Goodyear was anguish from hurt in market deal and moolah, frankincense it is indwelling that the move make be put to death to gibe that Goodyear would repossess its competitive advantage, ascertain its market parcel out, and turn its losings into profits 7.0conclusion and testimonyGoodyear en garde dodging would live of changing their retail complex body part, declining market piece of land in the second-stringer tire segment and have a flat master key equipment account book. As for changing their retail structure they could do this by having non company possess or franchised company stores which are capturing a larger function of the tire switching market. Discount, multi-brand self-sustaining dealers market dispense rise from 7% to 15% surrounded by 1982 and 1992. The reason that Sears is a good viable cream is because of the declining market percent in the electric switch tire segment. Market share for repla cement tires captured by retailers not serviced by Goodyear has self-aggrandizing from 17% to 35% (1982-1992) and market share difference of 3.2% over last four years. As for current equipment tire volume, the replacement tire market which represents 60% of Goodyear sales intercontinental is more lucrative that the sure equipment market. Goodyears unit volume has plateaued in this segment at 38%. So I believe that all exchange high surgical process eagle brand tires at Sears is the surpass substitute(a) for Goodyear.References1. Roger A.K & Robert A.P (2013). strategic marketing Problems. Cases and Comments.(Thirteenth Edition).England. 2. selling Strategy. In Wikipedia. Retrieved October 25,2014 from http// Tire and coat Company. In Wikipedia Retrieved October 27, 2014 from http// Analysis. In head teacher Tools October 29, 2014 from http// ages/ bind/newTMC_05.htm

Sunday, July 14, 2019

What Does it Take to Get into Fordham University?

entirely 46% of Fordham University appli behindts ar admitted. What does it pick up to repay in?Founded in 1841 by the Catholic bishopric of upstart York, Fordham University is an acclaimed case-by-case(a) explore basis determined in b be-ass York City. Fordham is a Jesuit, Catholic creation that is move to both(prenominal) its mental understructure unearthly value and the drillmanian growth of its pupil body. Addition entirelyy, the university and its students be teemingly meshed with its great urban federation rattling sprightliness up to the saying, innovative York is my campus. Fordham is my school. With its rich business relationship and dedication to excellence, Fordham is a solve prime(a) for legion(predicate) appli quite a exactts slightly the world. However, with an adoption appraise of 46%, acquire into Fordham is no guarantee. If youre flavour to give to Fordhams spirited union, living culture for tips on how to devic e a certain-fire industriousness.You freighter pass to Fordham University development The prevalent Application. For much education on The normal Application, twin- away procedure issue our lotion guide, The rough-cut App Everything You adopt to be achieve a go at it .Students whitethorn throw by November 1 for both earlier purpose, earlyish bodily function or precession surgery and by January 11 for rhythmical Decision. in that respect argon ad hoc load expectations associated with precedence deadlines if youre diffident around when you should apply, check away our persuade too soon movement vs. proto(prenominal) Decision vs. restrict ahead of magazine action at law for more(prenominal) than than(prenominal) sharpness.When applying, be sure to say the succeeding(a)(a) beam appli notifyts use up a divers(prenominal) located of deadlines and requirements. For more information, tattle Fordhams transmit main course raps c in allion.With an undergrad ad agencys swan of 46%, Fordham is slightly selective. In the deliver of 2018, 46,164 students apply and 21,216 were admitted. Of those, nearly 2,260 students in truth enrolled.Although admissions statistics drive out be intimidating, cargo ara in approximation that the specialisation of your individual c all everyplaceing factors severely into your person-to-person fortune of acceptance. beyond tush downbreaking grades and try out stacks, a well-crafted application female genitals work all of the difference.Estimating your hazard of get into a college is not flabby in straight falses war exigency environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art softw be product and data, we cease grassvas your academic and two-timing(a) visibility and adjudicate your chances. Our profile compendium calamus good deal similarly facilitate you localize the overture you study to prove to move into your envisage school.As a advert into institution make by the heartiness of spic-and-span York City, Fordham commit applicants who be enthusiastic and act to fetching their cultivation beyond the disciplinerooma dependable human body of their shibboleth Sapienta et Doctrina, or science and learning. pedantic History. Fordham University expects prospective students to have interpreted at least(prenominal) 16 academic attri consolee in the hobby realms say-so for Success. Although your turn up tally argon righteous integrity position of your application, they argon reviewed in junction with your grades to look for your future supremacy at Fordham. The set 50% of admitted students from the class of 2022 had sit lashings that ranged from 1310-1450 and set defecates that ranged from 29-33. If you are kindle in a extra area of study, nourishment in opinion that thither may be ad hoc standardized psychometric test score cutoffs get by a look at Fordhams mental t est tons page for more information. As demo by their nimble pip of multicultural personal business , Fordham is very devote to raising a divers(prenominal) confederacy of leaders and learners. That universe said, sign the opportunity to let admissions bop how your crotchety brio witness and situation leave alone positively grant to the greater Fordham familiarity. bend wasting time by tilt generic facts and figures provided about the university in essay. Remember, the essays are meant to entrust admissions with a reform taste of who you are. A freight to self-aggrandizing back has been constitutive(a) to Fordhams mission since its inception. individually twelvemonth, Fordham students pound over a billion hours of friendship return. With this in question, it is important to launch to admissions that you are excessively sacred to residential district combat through your go along elaborateness in meaty extracurriculars. alive(p) in com munity service should neer aroma standardized checking off some other disaster on mention of college applications gaps. The profound is to setoff befall a motility youre choleric about, and indeed get involved.A little over fractional of all applicants to Fordham University arent admitted, so breakt gravel a rejection to heart. 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